Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Good Earth Tea....Great Quotes!

I enjoy coffee! (Especially CafĂ© Britt from Costa Rica.)  I also enjoy a good cup of tea.  I've been hooked on GoodEarth's Lemongrass tea for a couple of years now.  Each tea bag has a quote.  I enjoy reading them.  Some of them make me think more than others.  One from this morning spurred me to do a little research.

Here is the quote: "God has two dwellings: one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart."  ~Izaak Walton (1593-1683)

I wondered to myself, 'who is (was) this Izaak Walton?'  And, I thought, 'what a cool way to spell the first name!'

I have learned that Izaak Walton was an Englishman and a writer, primarily a biographer.  He was born in Staffordshire, England.  He is best known for his work The Compleat Angler (1653), a fishing treatise.

Below you will find the references that I checked out to learn more about this man.  After learning some basics, I decided to do a search for "Izaak Walton's faith".  I found this link: St. Mary in Stafford, a sermon about Izaak Walton.  In this sermon, I learned some new things about this man.  John Donne was his priest at one time and became a powerful influence on Walton's life.  Walton wrote a biography on Donne in 1640.  Walton was active in his local parish.  He was also part of the "Great Tew Circle" which was a group of intellectual men, primarily clergymen.

Izaak Walton, New World Encyclopedia
Izaak Walton, Wikipedia
St. Mary in Stafford, a sermon about Izaak Walton

Today, I have a thankful heart.  I am thankful that I've learned a little bit about a man who lived in England, who wrote biographies and a fishing treatise, who made a difference in the lives of others in his community.  I'm thankful for Walton's reminder that God does live in a meek and thankful heart.  And, I'm thankful for a relaxing cup of tea.

May you take a moment or two today in your journey to enjoy a cup of tea (or coffee), to learn about someone who has impacted lives, and be reminded that God lives in a meek and thankful heart.

Blessings on your journey!

~Debra ☺

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