Monday, February 24, 2014
Monday morning... the joys of a new week
Monday morning.
The beginning of a new week. A fresh start. The LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY. GULP!
The first part of the thoughts are calming, but then I go slightly into panic mode, realizing all that I have on my plate to do this week to finish out my Bioethics class, prepare to teach Disciple's Path, and help my daughter prepare (meaning support her as Mom as she prepares) for solo ensemble this Saturday and for the Beta Convention Sunday through Tuesday. GULP!
So, as my daughter gets ready for school this morning, I take some time to read an article in Weavings while I drink my coffee. I chose the article by Pamela Hawkins since I had just done her Advent study over the Advent season and her name caught my attention. The article was about caregiving, fitting into my bioethics course and my life. It was an insightful glimpse into what she experiences on her journey. What a blessing that she was willing to share it. This is an area that needs a voice for the voice-less. I imagine Pamela has a solid community around her that reaches out to her, allowing her to take time off from care giving from time to time and also that offers her help with meals and other activities/chores for which she may not have the time or energy. Yet, many people do not have this community. Or, maybe they do, yet they don't tap into it. We too often don't live fully into our community living. The article, by the way, is entitled "Love's Solitary Confinement: A Caregiver's Psalm". You can find it in Weavings Volume XXIX , Number 2 (Feb/Mar/Apr 2014).
Weavings offers a guide on Spiritual Reading online. Though intended for those interested in forming reading groups, it is a good resource for anyone.
You can access Weavings here. Though you cannot read it online, you can access their online newsletter here and sign up for it. Weavings is online via Facebook, so check them out by clicking here to access their page.
My mind is working rather slow for a morning, but maybe not for a Monday morning. It has been good to drink some coffee, to read an article that touched my heart and mind, to actually be able to sit and write. Yet, what precipitated me sitting down to write was a moment that made me realize that this truly is a slow Monday morning.
I was preparing to transfer the coffee from the coffee maker to a carafe to keep it warm without cooking it more (you know, to prevent the "burn" taste). I turned the kitchen sink water on to hot so I could pre-heat the carafe. Several minutes later, the water was still running cold. And, then more minutes.... still cold. I was perplexed. Until I realized that in my Monday morning stupor, I had it ON COLD, not hot. LIGHT BULB (a-aha!) moment! One can not expect the proper thing to occur from the incorrect position.
I thought about that. Smiled. Changed the handle over to the left side to heat up the water and continued to reflect on my teaching/learning moment as the water quickly heated up.
How many times do I attempt to accomplish things in life from the side that won't bring me the desired result? Or, how many times do I attempt to do something with the incorrect leverage? One could work through this in several ways, I imagine.
However one goes about it, for me it was a definite "cause for a pause". Not simply because my hand was very cold and causing my brain to wonder 'what's going on here?'
Who would think that a kitchen sink and cold water could create a thinking process that might have spiritual and other growth implications?
Check out the Weavings article and the rest of the issue.
And remember that using the proper resources/tools will facilitate the situation. Hot water warms up a carafe much better than cold water.
Blessings on this week and on your journey,
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