Saturday, June 3, 2017
Being Built into a Spiritual House... an ongoing journey
This morning's coffee time is "abiding" time. Macrina Wiederkehr has been an off and on companion over the past several years as I slowly work my way through Abide: Keeping Vigil with the Word of God.
Today's reading continues in Chapter 5 "Return to Your Original Love" and is entitled "Chosen and Precious". The Scripture focus is 1 Peter 2:1-10. If you would like to read the Scripture now, click HERE.
As I read the passage this morning, the verse that stood out to me was this portion of verse 5-- "let yourselves be built into a spiritual house".
Maybe that catches my attention because tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday as we will celebrate the birthday of the church and the coming of the Holy Spirit. All three churches I have the privilege of serving have done some type of renovations recently to the interior of their sanctuaries. One of the three has done major renovations and we are moving back into the sanctuary tomorrow for worship. Just as the physical house has been rebuilt, it is my prayer that the spiritual house be built, as it mentioned in verse 5. It is an opportunity of refreshing and renewal as the Holy Spirit moves in and among us.
Macrina Wiederkehr focuses on verse 2 and the pure spiritual milk. She notes that we are told here to go back, to long for that milk. Whereas in other places we are called to move on from milk to meat, here the admonition is to "long for the pure, spiritual milk". In verse 3, there is a caveat, "if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good."
"IF". If we haven't tasted that the Lord is good, then the pure, spiritual milk isn't going to help.
Macrina notes that we listen to the good news of milk and calcium as we age and have need of those nutrients. She teaches us that "Peter is asking us to return to our beginnings. Look back to some of your original sources of nourishment." (175)
What fed me in my early years of my faith journey? Hours upon hours of time in God's creation, wandering along the creekside in the hills at my Dad's campground or through the woods at our family farm in Walker County. Translate that into silence and solitude. I just didn't realize then that I was connecting with the God of creation who created me, at least I didn't make that connection on some levels. Evidently the connection was made at deep levels.
It is to creation, silence, and solitude that I return when I need space to listen to God. When the other voices crowd out God, when I feel worn out, when I sense I'm at that dangerous place, then I make know to make space for creation, silence, and solitude. In the meanwhile, I try to have creation, silence, and solitude as part of my daily regime, but there are times when more is needed.
Macrina encourages us: "Spend time discerning what spiritual gifts need to be restored in your life." (176)
She asks: "Is there anything you would like to call back into your consciousness? Has something that once nourished you gotten lost in the busyness of daily living? A childlike spirit? An openness to learning? A natural simplicity? A nurturing relationship? Quality time for prayer and study? What spiritual calcium is needed to help you build a strong foundation?" (176)
As I ponder these questions, I am reminded of being in Minnesota at a conference several years ago and my childlike spirit of play being renewed and released. I was reminded then that I am to live and lead from that place. Yet, sometimes that part of me gets lost in the busyness and overburdened aspects of life.
It takes intentionality to keep things in the forefront.
May your spiritual health be nourished today, either in a way once forgotten or in a new and fresh way.
May your spiritual house and foundation become strong.
Blessings on your journey,
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