Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Sunday's sermon at Red Bank UMC: "Living Out the True Meaning of Christmas"

I had the opportunity to preach for the 2nd time at Red Bank UMC this past Sunday. I chose the lectionary passage from Colossians.

Below is the transcript of the sermon, recognizing that things are added or left out in the moment.

The music was beautiful and worshipful. I appreciated that the musician played the 12 days of Christmas as part of the postlude. It was fitting as it was the 5th day of Christmas.


“Living Out the True Meaning of Christmas”
Colossians 3:12-17 (CEB)
December 29, 2024
Red Bank UMC
1st Sunday of Christmastide (White)
5th day of Christmas 

Good morning! It is good to be here with you today on this 5th day of Christmas, the 1st Sunday of Christmastide.

Yes, you heard that correctly. The season of Christmas began on the 24th and goes through Epiphany, January 6th, when we celebrate the gifts Jesus received from the wise men. I know. Some of you were done with Christmas the day after. But since it’s still the Christmas season or Christmastide, let’s explore what it means to live out the true meaning of Christmas, based on today’s passage from Colossians.

As you hear the Scripture today, listen for what words or phrases stand out to you.

Colossians 3:12-17 (CEB)

12 Therefore, as God’s choice, holy and loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 Be tolerant with each other and, if someone has a complaint against anyone, forgive each other. As the Lord forgave you, so also forgive each other. 14 And over all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. 15 The peace of Christ must control your hearts—a peace into which you were called in one body. And be thankful people. 16 The word of Christ must live in you richly. Teach and warn each other with all wisdom by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 Whatever you do, whether in speech or action, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father through him.



What word(s) stood out to you?

As I reflected on this passage, I couldn’t help but consider that this passage helps us live out the true meaning of Christmas. Throughout the Advent Season our focus was on the coming of the Christ Child and we focused on hope, peace, joy, and love. Now that we are in the Christmas season, we begin to look at the teachings of Christ and others to be reminded of what it means to follow the Christ child.

Here are some of the words and phrases that stood out to me:

*put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 

*13 Be tolerant with each other

*forgive each other

*14 And over all these things put on love   

*15 The peace of Christ must control your hearts

Over all the things listed: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance and forgiveness, put on love. Love is the outerwear, the first part of us that people come in contact with. Then they will experience our compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness.

I don’t know about you when you study Scripture, but when there is a command form of the verb “put on”, then I start to wonder how I might do that. Other English versions use “clothe yourselves”.

What would it look like if we were to dress ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and love?

What would we look like? What would we BE like? How would we respond or react to others?

I spent some time with my great niece Christmas Day. She will be three in January. She is so proud of her princess dress and wanted to show it off. She can put it on by herself. In fact, she showed me that she can put on all her clothes herself. It made her happy to show me that she could do that. As I reflect on that, I wonder if I might could take some of what she has and apply it to putting on these things here in Colossians. Now, it’s not a literal princess dress or pajama bottoms or socks, etc. But, if I intentionally think about putting on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and love, then maybe, just maybe I’ll live them out.

These are the virtues that we are told to live into.

I brought my Jesus therapy doll with me today. I learned about him in the 2 year Academy for Spiritual Formation that I attended from 2011-2013. One just like this one was present in our worship space and in our learning space. His clothing changed for different worship themes… from remembering our baptism, etc. When I had the opportunity to get one, I did. He travels with me to Emmaus Walks, to hospitals. His typical clothing is not a tie dye shirt with a heart on it. But, as I was preparing this sermon, I realized that Jesus offers us the best example of putting on love.

Jesus put on love on top of everything else. If we are going to follow Christ, then we too will learn to love.

We are encouraged in this passage to sing hymns. There is a hymn “Love Came Down at Christmas” by Christina Rossetti in our UMC hymnals-- #242.

1 Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, love divine;
love was born at Christmas
star and angels gave the sign.


2 Worship we the Godhead,
love incarnate, love divine;
worship we our Jesus
what shall be our sacred sign?


3 Love shall be our token,
love be yours and love be mine;
love to God and neighbour,
love for prayer and gift and sign.


As we continue our journey through these 12 days of Christmas toward Epiphany, how will we live out the meaning of Christmas?


Howard Thurman wrote “The Work of Christmas” in 1973.


When the song of the angels is stilled,

When the star in the sky is gone,

When the kings and princes are home,

When the shepherds are back with their flock,

The work of Christmas begins:

To find the lost,

To heal the broken,

To feed the hungry,

To release the prisoner,

To rebuild the nations,

To bring peace among others,

To make music in the heart.

The last verse of today’s passage is this: 17 Whatever you do, whether in speech or action, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father through him.

What are you doing to live out your faith, to live like Jesus, to love like Jesus?


Will you pray with me?


God of Christmas, God of unspeakable grace,

forgive and renew us all,
that our lives may declare
the wonders of that Holy Love
that has called us out of darkness
into glorious light.

Adapted from Bruce Prewer, http://www.bruceprewer.com/DocC/C06xmasd.htm.


Preaching is one of those life giving things for me. I enjoy the preparation and the actual preaching. 

Maybe there is a word for you here, whether in the Scripture passage itself, in the hymn listed, from Dr. Howard Thurman's writings, or from something I wrote. Who knows how the Divine Mystery might be working?!


Rev. Deb

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Advent Week 4-- Love through birth/born

Advent is coming to a close. By the time you read this, it might very well be over and we will likely be into the Christmas season. Each year it amazes me how the commercial world begins and ends the Christmas season so early. Recently a colleague posted that they saw Valentine candy in a store. Here it is mid-December as I type and February 14th candy is already out on the shelves. Wow.

It takes an intentional effort for me to stay in the "here and now". As I type this, it's Christmas Eve Day.

Christmas begins tomorrow and goes through January 6th, Epiphany.

I don't know yet how I will celebrate the Christmas season.

For now, here is the final week of Advent all in one place:

December 22--Love

Advent Week 4.

Today's word is #love.

From top left to top right:
*Love from our sweet pup Cliff.
*Love symbolized by a heart in wooden hands showing the love mug in the background.

From bottom left to bottom right:
*A love ornament that belonged to my paternal grandmother Nana.
*The love between cousins as one shows appreciation to the other for sewing up the favorite stuffed animal.


It comes in many forms. It is action. It is gestures. It is words. It is offered in silence.

Whatever form.... may we love and love well.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 23--Anticipation/Expectation

Today's words:
#anticipation / #expectation.

My Aunt Vicki sent this package for Christmas Eve. It is with anticipation that we will open it tomorrow night, read instructions, and play games. We never know what to expect. It is always creative and fun.

I rode a little less than a mile this afternoon. I anticipated wind in my face and expected it to be cold. I prepared for it. I am glad I put on the extra layer for my face. Even though I ride slower on the property, it was as cold as I expected.

As I reflect on anticipation and expectation during this Advent season, I am not sure what I am anticipating or expecting. I hope to be open to whatever comes my way.... open with eagerness, hope, and joy.

#AdventWord #AdventPhoto #BambooEncounter

December 24--Rest

Today's word is #rest.

There often isn't much rest on Christmas Eve-- as last minute things are done, dishes of food prepared, services led and attended, family and friends gathered... but when we don't make time for rest, it finds us.

Tonight the garbage disposal needed rest and a re-set. Finding the reset button took a moment.

Reflecting on the word and the situation tonight, I realize that we all need to stop, to reset, to find the re-set button.

May there be rest in the days ahead.
#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 25--Birth/Born

Today's word on this Christmas Day: #birth / #born.

This photo is the top of a card box from a few years back. The box was as neat as the cards.

The Nativity scene reminds me that we gather around those whom we love.

May the celebration of the birth of the Christ child bring people together to share hope, peace, joy, and love.

For the ones we miss this year, may their memories be with us in the stories we share and the memories we hold.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

Thank you for traveling the Advent journey with me.

Merry Christmas!

Rev. Deb

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Advent Week 3-- Joy through heaven

Advent Week 3.

How quickly has the Advent season passed for you?

For me, it seems like it has gone by quickly. Christmas is upon us. We will have the 12 days of Christmas and then Epiphany (January 6).

I don't know about you, but I have needed this time of Advent. I have needed the time to reflect, to pause, to slow down, to ponder.

Here are the posts and photos from Advent Week 3 in one place:

December 15-- Joy

Today's word is "joy".

It was a joy-filled day on this Advent Sunday of joy.

Tonight's cantata was a joy-filled experience to end this day.

The "joy to the world" cookie summed up today's joy.

The joy I felt today was a deep and abiding joy.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 16--Dawn

Today's word is #dawn.

I found this upon looking up the word:

the beginning of a phenomenon or period of time, especially one considered favorable.

"the dawn of civilization"

















starting point












day one


the word go


As I reflect on the definition and words, it strikes me as interesting that "advent" means dawn. It's the coming of, the beginning. What is unfolding for you, for me this Advent season?

The photo is from The Mill Line Trail today as the sun broke through the clouds.

Instead of waiting for things to get to a certain temperature or xonfort, today I simply "began". Oh, begin. Oh, dawn.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 17--Earth

Today's word is #earth.

I stopped by a location for breakfast today and found these pics.

"Let the earth rejoice."

As I reflect on that today, a song by Graham Kendrick and Psalm 66:1 from Nan Merrill's Psalms for Praying come up.

Let all the earth hear His voice
Let the people rejoice
At the sound of His name
Let all the valleys and hills
Burst with joy and the trees
Of the field clap their hands
Justice and love He will bring to the world
His kingdom will never fail
Held like a two-edged sword in our hand
His word of truth shall prevail
Shall prevail
Let all the earth hear His voice
Let the prisoners rejoice
He is coming to save
Satan’s dark strongholds crash down
As with prayer we surround
As the cross we proclaim
Let all the earth hear His song
Sing it loud, sing it strong
It’s the song of His praise
Silent no more we cry out
Let the world hear the shout
In the earth the Lord reigns
Graham Kendrick
Copyright © 1985 Thankyou Music

Music ChartsCopyright 

Psalm 66:1

Sing a joyful song to the Beloved all the earth, and praise Love’s name;

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 18--Longing

Today's word is #longing.

As I reflected on today's word, I noticed these pushing up out of the ground. It's December. It isn't Spring yet. However, new life is pushing its way into the world. Growth isn't hindered. Somehow, life continues. Through obstacles of coldness and against the natural pattern of expectations, these plants are making their presence known. My longing would be to be like these plants--- to have their resilience tenacity, to grow despite all odds.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 19--Clouds

Today's word is #clouds.

This photo is from July 2024. The shine of the sun light behind the clouds catches my attention.

I looked through my 100s of photos of clouds. Yes, I adore them.

I have photos of puffy clouds, wispy clouds, heart clouds, cotton-candy colored clouds, etc.

I enjoy looking at the sky and watching the clouds form and unform. As they float above me or below me (if I am in a plane), they get my attention.

Some days there are no clouds to admire. Other days there might be so much cloudiness that there is no distinction in the clouds.

But when there is a mix of the blue sky and clouds, it is an adventure to observe.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 20--Journey

Today's word is
#journey. This photo is from a recent trip to Mexico in September. I had no idea flying in how adventurous the journey would become, that we would shelter in place, etc.

Life is like that. There is typically unknown along the journey. My goal (more and more) is to live in the present. I attempt to live, love, and lead well. I don't always get it right. Things happen along the way. But I continue to learn and grow.

There have been many journeys for me in the one journey life. This Advent journey this year has offered me a space to slow down and reflect.

Peace, love, hope, and joy on the journey--
#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 21-- Heaven

Today's word is #heaven.

As I reflect on the word, a song sung by Amy Grant "Breath of Heaven" (Mary's Song) comes to mind. Link: https://youtu.be/FWo3qlqyW1c?si=O6NL-63a6tH8rYBs

Considering the Divine Mystery breathed life into creation and made the heavens and earth, then "breath of heaven" causes me to consider that in every breath we breathe, we breathe in what was created.

We experience heaven in the here ans now.

A newborn* baby takes its first breath outside its mother's body. It breathes the air created to fill its lungs. It doesn't yet know or understand all the complexities of its tiny body.

Yet, along with the air it breathes, a baby reminds us to be present, to notice, to draw near to the Creator.

All of this is heaven.

*(Thoughts of a newborn are caused by my school friend of nearly 50 years becoming a grandmother today.)

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

As the Advent journey continues, may you find meaning along the way.

Rev. Deb

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Advent Week 2-- Peace through Wilderness

Even though I had the space to put together a "word a day" challenge this year, I question myself daily as I reflect on the words, seek to find something that resonates with me, etc. I ask myself if this is REALLY a helpful spiritual practice for me. Though it takes some discipline and time to set up the daily posts with the daily words and discipline and time to reflect daily and post about the word, I think it is a helpful spiritual practice for me. And that's the reason I do it. It's something I can do that allows me to reflect on the Holy, the Divine, the Mystery, the Christ Child, etc. during the Advent Season. And, it is something that allows me to use outlets of writing and photography, both of which are spiritual practices for me.

With that, here is Advent Week 2 all in one place, taken from my daily posts and put here:

December 8--Peace

Today's word is #peace.

Being in nature gives me peace. When I feel the stress of life, trees, woods, water, and/or rocks can calm my soul and restore peace.

If I am not able to get into the woods, stepping outside and being in the fresh air can at times be enough.

What brings you peace? What do you do or where do you go to maintain peace?

Like the deep pool of water in the photo, peace runs deep. May the peace that passes understanding run deeply in your being.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord

December 9--Nature

Today's word is #nature.

Once a month we gather outdoors in nature for outdoor worship. We share Scripture, readings, silence, our reflections, and we share bread and fruit of the vine during a time of Communion.

The communion elements are covered monthly in this cloth reminding us "and heaven and nature sing".

How can I notice nature more this Advent? What are my daily surroundings of nature? The sky? A certain tree? A bird? A bush?

As I reflect on the first coming of the Christ child, I wonder what aspects of nature Mary and Joseph encountered on their journey? Werr they able to exclaim "and heaven and nature sing"?

#nature #AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 10--Gift

Today's word is #gift.

I read a post by a friend and colleague who now works in donor services. He used the hashtag #BeAGift.

I have witnessed the powerful life-giving gift of organ donations as I walked with a family.

This heart is on my Driver's license. I am registered to donate.

Whether I can offer the gift of listening, presence, or life, my hope is that my being, my life is poured out as a gift. It was gifted to me. I want to give back.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #SeeAHeartShareAHeart

Donor information: (for any state)

December 11--Wonder

Today's word is #wonder.

One definition of the word "wonder": "rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience"

After taking out the trash at Welcome Home of Chattanooga today, the clouds captured my attention. I first saw a small heart space, upside down, in the sky. It quickly dissipated, causing me to look beyond the space.

What I saw was this: big and puffy clouds. Their shape reminded me of a jolly fellow with his hat and beard. ;)

May I continue to be filled with wonder this Advent.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord

December 12--Alert

Today's word is #alert.


"fully aware and attentive; wide-awake; keen: Synonyms: observant, wary, awake."

This sweet puppy is currently NOT alert. However, deliver a package to our front door and the barking begins. This sweet furry family member reminds me what it means to be alert, fully aware, attentive, wide-awake, observant, wary.

Being alert during this Advent season means that I am watchful, looking and listening for the presence of the Holy.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 13--Stars

Today's word is

Here are stars from different places I visited today.

As I reflect on stars, a camp song comes to mind:

"He's everything to me" by Ralph Carmichael.

Some of the lyrics:

In the stars His handiwork I see,
"On the wind He speaks with majesty,
Though He ruleth over land and sea,
What is that to me?
I will celebrate Nativity,
For it has a place in history,
Sure, He came to set His people free,
What is that to me?"

As the Advent Season continues, today's word brings nature into focus and connects me with camp, a huge part of my spiritual formation and outdoor life.

I do see Creator's handiwork in the stars.


#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter

December 14--Wilderness

Today's word is #wilderness.

Though wilderness can be a place of unknown for me, most often it is a place that refreshes me, centers me, draws me closer to Creator. When I am not able to get out into other, I can look at it and remember.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord #BambooEncounter


This concludes Advent Week 2, a week of peace through wilderness.



Monday, December 9, 2024

A Letter to Santa

When you think about a letter to Santa, what thoughts or memories come to mind? Do you remember your letters you wrote to Santa? Or maybe you remember your kids or grandkids writing letters to Santa.

If you wrote letters to Santa, at what age did you stop writing them?

I don't remember when I stopped writing them.

I did just write one in my 60th year. Yes, that's correct. I wrote a letter to Santa. Today. And mailed it.

Last week I saw a red mailbox at the Post Office and it caught my attention. For whatever reason, the idea came into my mind to write a letter to Santa.

I thought about it through the week and weekend. I kept going back and forth on whether or not to follow through with the "nudge". I mean, it really isn't "normal" for a 60 year old to write Santa a letter, right?!

As I thought through my 60th year list of things I wanted to do in Reflections on the Cusp of 60, "writing a letter to Santa" wasn't on my list. Yet, as I considered the "ADVENTure" of the Advent Season and my commitment to live into my authentic self and reclaim "play" as a spiritual practice, THAT did fit into things.

Besides, I saw a Santa look-alike in the Cancun airport in September-- all dressed in red and another one a couple weeks ago entering a store in Dalton, GA. He wore a Santa hat, had a great real white beard and was with a woman who easily could have been Mrs. Claus. I didn't get pictures of them, but I and several other people took pictures of the airport Santa. My picture wasn't the greatest. It's the back of him. But, you can tell it is him. 

Santa-look-a-like at the Cancun airport in September 2024

What does one write to Santa when they are 60 years old? Great question.

I didn't think asking for anything would be appropriate. I don't believe Santa will bring me a gift. However, I do believe in the actions of kindness and compassion that have been done over the years because of a Saint who started a tradition of doing things for others. Saint Nicholas' biography is one to not only read, but one to ponder. There are various resources to check out. Here are two of them: The Story of St. Nicholas and All About St. Nicholas.

I also believe that Santa look-alikes can bring cheer and joy to people out in public, whether it's this season of the year or any time. There's something, might I say, dare I say "jolly" about seeing a Santa look-alike that causes one to smile and think on good memories. Or, at least it does for me.

I suppose all of the above caused me to write my letter to Santa and to verify how to actually get it there. I thought I could simply write "Santa Claus North Pole", but that's not true. You have to put in the entire address: Santa Claus, 123 Elf Road, North Pole 88888. You also must include your last name and your return address, plus use a 1st class stamp.

Here is my letter. I hand wrote it on older notebook paper because that's what I found quickest. I wrote in all caps, in hopes my handwriting would be more legible. 


Dear Santa, 

     It's been a while since I've written you a letter. I saw the mailbox in the Dalton, GA Post Office last week & decided "why not?".

     I'm 60 years old. This is my 1st Christmas without my Dad. It will be different.

     I don't have a list of toys or items to as for, though it could be fun to think of such things. :)

     I guess I mainly wanted to write to say "thank you". Thank you to you & your many helpers who bring smiles each year to people all around the globe. I see people off (of) [dang typos in hand-written letters] all ages smile when they see a Santa-look-a-like in an airport, in a store, etc. It's incredible how much joy that offers.

     Keep bringing the joy & smiles.

     Keep sharing the goodwill.

                                                      Merry Christmas--



After writing my letter to Santa, I addressed it per instructions (see above), put a stamp on it, and went to the Post Office.

Here is the very cool red mail box they have for Santa letters:

Here's to more ADVENTures!


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Advent Week 1 2024-- thoughts, reflections, photos

It has been a few years since I have done a "word a day" for Advent. I haven't had it in me, truth be known. But this year, something inside me felt right, there was space for it. So, I created a "word a day" that included some nature in it and am using it with Bamboo Encounter, the outdoor worship that I facilitate monthly since 2015.

It has been a good practice for me this Advent Season to reflect on the words daily, to photograph something, to post something. 

Here is the post I made for the overall "challenge" and below that you will find the words and posts for Advent 1.

Advent is coming. (December 1-25)

I haven't done one of these in several years, but the space was there for me to put one together this year. It's an Advent Photo-A-Day challenge. I used typical Advent words plus some from Advent hymns that had a nature theme.

This year, I will be focusing on God's creation as I journey through Advent. Each day of Advent has a word. You are invited to take a photo of what comes to mind from the word... or draw something.

From the challenge: Advent is a time to reflect on the coming of the Christ child. As part of your preparation this season, consider joining in this semi nature-focused photo-a-day challenge with words from nature themed Advent songs by drawing or taking a picture that represents the day’s word and posting it to social media sites of your choice (FaceBook, Instagram, etc). You are also invited to share your post on the Bamboo Encounter FaceBook page, using the hashtags: #AdventPhoto, #(word of the day), #BambooEncounter when you post.

December 1— Hope
December 2— Wait
December 3— Darkness
December 4— Prepare
December 5— Light
December 6— Creator
December 7— Promise
December 8— Peace
December 9— Nature
December 10—Gift
December 11— Wonder
December 12—Alert
December 13— Stars
December 14— Wilderness
December 15— Joy
December 16— Dawn
December 17— Earth
December 18— Longing
December 19—Clouds
December 20— Journey
December 21—Heaven
December 22— Love
December 23—Anticipation/Expectation
Christmas Eve, December 24—Rest
Christmas Day, December 25— Birth/Born

If you would like a PDF version, email bambooencounter@gmail.com and request one.

I am looking forward to this journey.
Debra, Bamboo Encounter

December 1--

Today's Advent word is #hope. Here is my Advent wreath. What brings me hope? Experiencing Creator in creation and noticing how creation makes a way when there seems to be no way. #AdventPhoto #AdventWord2024 #BambooEncounter

December 2--

Today's word is #wait.

I wouldn't have needed to wait if I had attempted to outrun the arms, like the guy behind me wanted me to do. I am okay with waiting. He wasn't happy. I got out of my car and in Spanish (because that was at least one of his languages), I asked if there was a problem. I stayed near my car, but I was a tad frustrated. I wasn't going to risk my neck so he could get on through. So we waited. And waited. It was a slow train. I blew bubbles with my bubble stash. I asked forgiveness for the name in Spanish that arose so quickly in my frustration toward someone I didn't know.

Waiting can be unexpected at times. It reveals our character. Today it revealed to me that even when I am okay to wait, someone else can push my buttons. Keeping a calm, non-anxious presence while waiting takes practice. And bubbles. Bubbles offer me the chance to breathe and recieve peace.

By waiting, I lost nothing. I gained insight. Plus I didn't endanger myself or others.

#AdventWord #AdventPhoto

December 3--

Today's word is #darkness.

I went outside in the chilly air to check out the night sky. In the darkness, the lights from the stars shone brightly in the dark. The stars were visible because of the clear night and it was easy to see their light contrast the dark surroundings. I wonder how visible the light in each of us shines in the dark? Does our light contrast the dark surroundings? As I learned at camp, "it only takes a spark". May the light within each of us shine and glow brightly.
#AdventPhoto #AdventWord2024

December 4--

Today's word is #prepare.

On Wednesdays I go to Welcome Home of Chattanooga as a volunteer chaplain. My role varies, depending on what people need. Today I had some good conversations with several people. I also made a scrambled egg sandwich for a resident. Since that isn't my typical act of service, I needed to search for the needed items to make it. We may not always know where to find things, but we can look. We may not think our act of service is going to include making a sandwich, but we can be open to the opportunity. How can I prepare for the unexpected? By being open to the present moment and willing to offer all that I have and am. As I prepare during this Advent season for the coming of the Christ child, somehow I think I was already in his presence today.
#AdventPhoto #AdventWord2024

December 5--

Today's word is #light.

I think about light often. You might say it's a favorite reflection. ;)

Light shows up best in the dark.

These lights on the trees here don't show up in the light. Their brightness is only revealed in the dark.

Maybe that's what causes me to enter into darkness more willingly for myself or to walk it with others.

I know that light will shine. It will be seen in the darkness.

Will it be my light? Your light? Our lights together? I don't know.

What I do know is there is beauty in light, especially light that shines in the dark.

#AdventPhoto #AdventWord

December 6-- 

Today's word is #Creator.

Do you ever feel compelled to get out into creation? I do. Today, in fact, I felt the urge to get in some woods and water time with the Creator. Time with Creator always calms my soul, clears my mind, and restores peace. Being in creation allows me to see, hear, and smell things differently. The different perspective helps me listen more closely to the One who knows me best, the One who created me. I am grateful for some Creator time today in the woods and by the water. It was an ADVENTure. :)
#AdventPhoto #AdventWord

December 7--

Today's word is #promise.

As I mulched part of the backyard today, I made a path with the mower. It wasn't a complete labyrinth. It was more a simple path. Yet, in creating it, I realized I was being true to the playful and fun parts of me. That offered me joy. What struck me is that I realized I am committed to living into my true self-- the play, the fun. There have been many times over the years that I buried that part of me. To honor all that God created in me, I am committed to being open to what God is teaching me in this area and to living it out. A commitment is a promise. It's one for me to remember not only during this Advent season, but through the year. #AdventPhoto #AdventWord


If you're interested in joining in for the rest of the Advent season, it's not too late. Start now. With the word of the day for today (whatever day you are reading this). 

Happy Advent!

Rev. Deb