Friday, December 6, 2024

Woods and Water

I spent some time outdoors today at Big Soddy Creek Gulf. It's one of my go-to places to get outdoors, to be in the woods, near water, in nature. I took my hammock and a blanket with me because I had full intentions to "hike and hang". I ended up exploring off trail to find the perfect hammock spot and found instead a beautiful creek spot with rocks, deep water, and some flowing water over rocks. There was  even one big rock with a crack in it that had two thin trees growing up out of it. I didn't end up in the hammock. That's okay. I was prepared. I hiked by the ridge overhangs and back down to the creek, creating my own path. When I was ready to go, I decided to cross the rocks to get to the other side of the creek and make my way to the trail on the other side. I could see the bridge from where I was, so I knew I didn't have far to go. The spot I was at today would be perfect in the warm weather to cool off and swim around. The water was clear and deep. 

I noticed birds chirping as I walked the path, leaves crunching underfoot-- especially in the off trail section. I unintentionally knocked down a very tall, but dead tree (TIMBER!) as I pulled on it to steady myself. I noticed the gurgling water in the creek and the stillness of the deeper areas of the pooled water. It was sunny with clear blue skies and 36 degrees Fahrenheit.

My "water and woods" time reminded my of the days I would take off into the mountain woods at my Dad's campground, Trails Inns of Dalton. I would go up into the woods by the creek and wander along the mossy creek bed. The water is comforting to me, as is the tree canopy. It's home.

I guess my soul needed to connect today. It felt good.

I wrote this for the Advent Word of the day, Creator:

"Today's word is #Creator.

Do you ever feel compelled to get out into creation? I do. Today, in fact, I felt the urge to get in some woods and water time with the Creator. Time with Creator always calms my soul, clears my mind, and restores peace. Being in creation allows me to see, hear, and smell things differently. The different perspective helps me listen more closely to the One who knows me best, the One who created me. I am grateful for some Creator time today in the woods and by the water. It was an ADVENTure. :)
#AdventPhoto #AdventWord?

I recently saw the word "adventure" written "ADVENTure" . I thought I had seen it in a book by Michael Roberts: Wanting More: Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. But as I went back to look for it, I couldn't find it. Hmmm..... Where did I see that? I know I read it somewhere. It caught my attention because it's the season of Advent for one. And two, I love a good adventure. Life is full of them.

As I explored the woods today, I considered my Advent ADVENTure and it felt good to get off the path, to go into the unknown willingly and intentionally (contrasted to, well, you know, kicking and screaming and simply having to). There is much unknown in life and we traverse it often (or at least that's my experience.)  But there is something different about setting out on an adventure with no exact plan other than to enjoy, to take in every moment, to make the most of the situation.

And though I didn't "hike and hang", I still had fun. It was definitely an adventure. Even the tree falling was adventurous. I wondered: 'could I have heard that tree fall if I hadn't been right next to it?' I'm kidding. Well, in truth, I DID think that. :) 

It was good to play in the woods. Yes, play. That's what it was. I did hike. But I played. I even blew bubbles on the way back to the car. All of those are spiritual practices for me and part of my ongoing spiritual formation.

Here are some of my photos from today's adventure at Big Soddy Creek Gulf.


May you find ways to enjoy creation and have an ADVENTure this Advent Season.

Rev. Deb


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventure. As a wordsmith, I enjoyed the ADVENTure just as much as your getting out in nature.

  2. If only I could remember where I saw ADVENTure. Sigh. Getting older brings challenges. But getting out in nature helps. Hope you are well.
