Without looking at the statistics, I don't think I've written as much this past year. [In fact, the blog shows that in 2013 I wrote 130 posts total, in 2014 I wrote 91 posts total and so far this year in 2015 I've written 38 posts.] My focus was on finishing seminary last year and it was my hardest year ever with Hebrew studies, a J-term (though not new to me), and a full load in the Spring time (first time ever). Added to my studies this past year, I went through the journey of Provisional Elder in the United Methodist Church. That meant that I was working on paperwork in the fall, preparing bible study materials and a sermon, and preparing for the interview in the new year.
Somehow, someway, I made it through all that stuff last year. Wow. What a ride.
Now life is slower, calmer, etc., right?!?! Not so much. With my first appointment being a parish appointment of three churches in three different communities, I am in learning mode quite a bit. I am blessed to have a co-pastor in this appointment who knows the ropes and together with the laity leadership we are seeking God's guidance for our parish and individual churches.
But I don't have much time to reflect, much less, simply "be still". Though I do carve out time daily to do both. It may not be as much as I want or need, but it is some. There are days when I am TOO busy to NOT stop and "be still". When I recognize that, I stop. I breathe. Then, I move on.
I say all this as an introduction (or rather an excuse as to why I haven't been blogging). When I started this journey in 2010, I did so because of a nudging from the Holy Spirit. It was to get out the things inside me spiritually and to share with others on the journey. Even though I haven't always been able to make the time to write due to life's other responsibilities, I continue to blog for the same reasons today-- it is part of my spiritual journey and the nudging to share is still here.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me. It is a blessing to share in conversation with those who leave comments along the way. I welcome dialogue on the journey and would like to hear about your journey.
Blessings on your journey,
Debra ☺
Now, let's get on to the 5 year blogging anniversary statistics!
As I have done with the other yearly reviews, I will share the countries that have visited my site, the top ten countries overall, the numbers for the monthly readership for the past year, and the top 10 posts overall.
Over the past year, the monthly readership hits (according to the stats chart) has been:
September 2014........3086
October 2014............2833
November 2014........1508
December 2014.........1790
January 2015.............2582
February 2015...........1972
March 2015...............1885
April 2015.................2275
May 2015..................1944
June 2015..................1856
July 2015...................2181
August 2015..............1771
September 2015........ 769 (to date and moment)
TOP TEN COUNTRIES OVERALL: (Numbers reflect hits since last year where I was able to compare.)
United States 56,878 (14,016)
Germany 12,060 (780)
Russia 8,987 (3,373)
France 3,039 (1,464)
United Kingdom 1,476 (155)
China 1,066 (54)
Canada 914 (100)
Poland 613 (78)
Italy 512
Based on the comparisons from last year, the United States, Russia, and France are the top post readers of these countries.
TOP TEN POSTS (overall): (Numbers reflect hits since blog was posted; not solely past year)
Some notes from two chapters in Conversion in the Wesleyan Tradition (May 7, 2013) [9846]
Thoughts and quotes from Jesus Calling over the last few days and weeks (November 24, 2011) [2462]
Academy #32 TĂș has venido a la orilla / Lord, You Have Come (October 3, 2012) [1045]
Jesus Calling--December 30th (December 30, 2011) [633]
Jesus Calling--January 1, 2012 (January 1, 2012) [631]
Pushing 5...reflections of an example of living well from Will (May 5, 2014) [342]
Hogar Metodista...Methodist Children's Home of Costa Rica (August 6, 2012) [466]
Journey Inward, Journey Outward by Elizabeth O'Connor (February 4, 2013) [364]
"A Space of Love"... quotes and reflections from Macrina Wiederkehr's chapter in Abide (May 15, 2013) [296]
WHERE ARE THEY FROM? WHO IS READING MY BLOG? (COUNTRIES) United States, France, Russian, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Australia, Romania, Switzerland, Ireland, China, Malaysia, Moldova, Spain, Taiwan, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Netherlands, India, Portugal, Slovenia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Mexico, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Iraq, Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Cambodia, Netherland Antilles, Venezuela, South Korea, Italy, Belarus, Serbia, United Arab Emirates, Latvia, Hungary, Lebanon Colombia, Malta, Laos (Unless I've left out a place, which is a possibility, I count 43 different locations.) Previous anniversary blog posts: Blogging...tomorrow makes one year 9/2/11 2 Year Blogging Anniversary This Month! 9/23/12 Tomorrow is my 3 year blogging anniversary 9/2/13 4 year blogging anniversary! 9/17/14 |
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