Monday, April 26, 2021

Iris blooms and a Haiku

The first photo is what I saw this morning.  The second one is what I saw just now.  It bloomed today. The iris bloomed. These irises are slower than all the others in the neighborhood and maybe others you have already seen bloom. Yet, they are budding and blooming. In their time. For whatever reason they are not in synch with all the others. As I reflected this morning,  I thought about how I move in different ways and paces too. My growth is not always at the same time as others. It's okay. My thoughts in Haiku form:

Faithful.  Regardless. 
Listening. Following One Voice. 
Audience of One. [DD, 4-26-21]

Though I may not always follow the One Voice well nor listen well, that is my heart's desire.  

May we allow each other the space of grace to be and to grow and bloom as intended. 


Rev. Deb

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Psalm 97 reflection

In yesterday's Simple Presence with my spiritual direction cohort, Psalm 97 by Nan Merrill was shared.  There was much in it that caught my attention, yet what became the focus for me in the silence became a Haiku. 

I wrote: 

Hardened hearts open
Heaven delights over this 
We are welcomed home
[DD, 4/12/21]

This came from 2 different sections of the Psalm, verses 8 and 9. 

1st-- "Heaven delights and rejoices when a hardened heart breaks open and recognizes Love's ever-patient Presence abiding within."

2nd--"For you, O Beloved, encompass and bless all the earth; You forgive our wrongdoings and welcome us home."

Nan Merrill's Psalms for Praying are delightfully refreshing and reflective.

I recognize that my heart must remain open and pliable to the One who created me and to those with whom I live and serve. If I allow my heart to become hardened, then I am unable to live, love, or lead like Jesus. 

May my heart remain open. 

So be it.

Rev. Deb