This quote showed up in my memories in my Facebook feed today. It is something I wrote on this day four years ago.
Interestingly, it still resonates with me and rings true.
"Some days are more difficult than others to maintain a whole soul. These are the days I need more time in creation, silence, solitude, prayer, rest, play, or other spiritual practices. Soul care is crucial to living well." ~Debra Dickerson, August 28, 2018
I don't remember what was going on during that time to prompt that reflection. That was pre-pandemic, a time when I needed much more self and soul care to fill an ever emptying "tank".
This past week I have been able to engage in several life-giving practices, among them:
- hammock time at the lake
- morning quiet time with coffee outside
- attend and facilitate outdoor worship
- bake and cook various dishes
- attend worship at my sending church
Silence and solitude are big parts of my spiritual practices, as are listening to and observing creation. Creation helps me draw nearer to the Creator.
How do you take care of your soul?
What spiritual practices are meaningful to you these days?
I invite your response.
Enjoy the adventurous journey!
Rev. Deb