Thursday, December 5, 2013

Word clouds.... creating one for Advent

I first learned about word clouds a few months ago when at our District Charge Conference the District Administrative Assistant had used one via Wordle for the cover of the charge conference handbook (it contained all the names of the churches in the District).  Then, as I thought back to our Academy's closing week, I realized that the program cover from our 2 Year Academy was also a word cloud with all the "words of the day" from each session in both Spanish and English.  I don't know which format she used, but I am going to guess Wordle because that seems to be the first of the word cloud applications.

Today I wanted to make an Advent word cloud.

I first tried Wordle because I have used it once before.  But Wordle wasn't working for me today.  It seemed I was having some Java issues and after trying to resolve those issues to no avail, I moved on and tried a different word cloud site, Word It Out.

My Advent word cloud looks like this:


If you look closely, you will find "quiet" and "stillness" in the middle of it all.  I had to keep playing with it until the words came up (more or less) like I wanted them too. 

The colors didn't come up in their true color (that would have been cool).  And there isn't much control over which words are big and which words are little. 

However, with some patience and many keystrokes, I decided to go with the above image. 

It goes along with an editorial piece for an upcoming newsletter that will go out on the 15th.  

What words come to mind for you at this time of year?

Are you able to find some quiet and stillness in the middle of it all?

Blessings on your journey,


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