Sunday, February 26, 2023

Digging Deeper into the Scriptures--thanks, Steve Harper!

Photos are of my yard signs and garden flags. DD

This past week, Steve Harper did a mini series for four posts/days on his blog Oboedire. The focus for this mini-series was LGBTQ+ Writing: Liberating Scripture.

You can go to his blog (link above) and find the posts or you can click on them below.

I am grateful to Steve Harper for doing this mini-series. 

Steve Harper was one of my 2 Year Academy Faculty when I went through Academy #32. I also did an independent study course with him on discernment for seminary. Those are the only two courses I've had with him, but I've kept up with his leading and teaching through his blog and on Facebook. I've read his books. I invite you to check out his books, if you're not familiar with his writings. In particular, I invite you to check out Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality.

I continue to learn from him and appreciate his scholarship.

Here are the four posts.

LGBTQ+ Writing: Liberating Scripture 1

LGBTQ+ Writing; Liberating Scripture 2

LGBTQ+ Writing: Liberating Scripture 3

LGBTQ+ Writing: Liberating Scripture 4

I posted each of these on my social media (Facebook) page, with brief comments and/or quotes from what I had read from each of them.

For #1--An insightful and encouraging reflection to begin the Lenten season. Just as we learned the earth wasn't flat, we can be open to science and to the ongoing teaching of the Holy Spirit.

For #2--Day 2 of inspirational and insightful writing. Lent is a season for reflection. May it be so. Thank you, Steve Harper.

For #3--Taking a deeper look into the Scripture. Thank you, Steve Harper. "Sexual orientation in general and homosexuality in particular were not in Paul's mind."

For #4-- More research. More learning. Thank you for this series, Steve Harper. 

I invite you to check it out.

May we do better because we know better.

"New discoveries at the micro and macro levels of existence enable us to recognize the previous errors, and correct them."

"Luther Allan Weigle, head of the RSV translation committee, wrote "The RSV committee decided the word "homosexual" was an inaccurate translation of malakoi and arsenokoitai in 1 Corinthians 6:9.""

Those are brief quotes I posted. There are many more nuggets of learning and research in the four posts. I invite you to read them with an open heart and an open mind. 

The Holy Spirit continues to teach and guide us.

May we live into love, loving God and loving others as we love ourselves.


Rev. Deb


United Methodist Insight carried the first post. Maybe it carried the others too. You can find it here: UM Insight.

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