Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wanting to write, but experiencing writer's block

I feel like I have lots to say, but I can't quite figure out what it is that I want to say.  What is the main thought that has been flowing through my mind the past couple of moments, days, and weeks?  I've been reading several books (The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns and Touch by Rudy Rasmus) that have given me more to think on, chew on, reflect on.  I'm still working on a final paper for my missions class (due on Monday), so there are thousands of thoughts flowing around in my mind related to it and the books I've read for the course (multicultural ministry in society).

So, I find myself STUCK, wanting to write, yet experiencing writer's block.  Instead of keeping it to myself, however, I thought I would share.  :) 

After I finish this soon-to-be-due-paper, I'm thinking the flow of the writing pipe will unclog somewhat.  Or, at least, I hope that it does.  Writing is cathartic for me.  [OK, so I edited. :)  I originally wrote "lethargic".  And, it may be that too.  As in, it causes me to slow down, calm down, become lazy. :)  However, I meant "cathartic"].  It is part of my journey. 

Truly.  I'll confess.  I started writing probably when I was about 5 years old.  And, when we took family trips, I would journal.  I had these tiny little journal books.  I mean TINY.  Little pages with a plastic cover and a plastic binding.  I still have a journal from a camping trip we took to Fall Creek Falls.  I wrote about my brothers and a squirrel as we were driving in the long drive into the park.  I was probably ten or so then. 

I have "Nothing books" (empty journals that were literally titled "Nothing Books") and many notebooks filled with journal entries, poems, a few songs, thoughts, maybe a drawing or two.  When I was young, I thought about writing short stories, and maybe even a book. 

Blogging has been my therapeutic way to write.  Whether or not I'm truly honing a skill, I'm not sure.  However, it has been good practice.  And, for the most part, I've tried to be consistent.

Writing helps release the clogged up pipes inside me spiritually and emotionally.  However, when the writing itself becomes clogged, then what?

Writer's block is part of the journey.  Learning to be and not always do.  :)  

And, since I may be using this "writer's block" as procrastination to not finish my soon-to-be-due-paper, I better wrap up this blocked writing and close it out. :)

For those moments of clogged up pipes on the journey, for when the way seems unclear or confusing, or just not even evident... remember to simply "be".  Stop trying to "do".  This message is for me.  It's an ongoing lesson, on an ongoing journey.

Blessings on your journey,


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