Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spiritual Formation Through Poetry

I'll admit that I had not really considered the possibilities of growing spiritually through poetry before last week.  Now, that surprises me on one hand, because DUH!  the book of Psalms is known for its poetry.  And, I've read poetry throughout my life that has been significant to me.  Plus, folks in my Bible Study have shared poetry from time to time that has touched a spark. Yet, for some reason, I hadn't considered intentionally incorporating poetry into my spiritual formation (or helping others do the same).  You'd think that someone who advocates anything read, including the newspaper and the comic strips would have been looking into poetry.

Last week at the Academy we were introduced to several poets and several poems.  One or two I was familiar with, the rest were new to me.  And, from among our midst, there were several poets sharing their formation through poetry as well.  It has been many years since I've written poetry about my life, my thoughts, my personal stuff.   That may be something that I revisit, now that the door has been cracked open.

My life has been cracked open.  There is now space to explore poetry in terms of spiritual formation and growth.  I am going to venture and guess that if I find some of my "Nothing" books and other journals where I've written poetry, I might just find some poems dealing with spiritual formation and growth from my own life. 

I shared one poet and poem in a post last week.  I will share another one here.  What I would like to do is have a gathering and share poems that have significance for spiritual formation and life for those who are interested, to be able to discuss them.  But, that's down the road a little.

Last week I was introduced to Mary Oliver, David Whyte, Hafiz, Robert Bly, William Stafford, and Jerry Webber.  I was reminded of and re-introduced to Rainer Maria Rilke.   So, from time to time, I'll be sharing poetry, like I did in an earlier post when I shared "The Way It Is" by William Stafford.

Today, I'll share just one, one to which I've already made reference:

My life cracks open
Jerry Webber

My life cracks open.
I stand in it

careful not to run.

Read this a couple of times through.  How does it speak to you?  What does it say to you?  What in your life is cracking open?  Are you willing and able to simply "stand"?  Beyond allowing this to speak to your head (mind), allow this to speak to your heart.

Blessings on your journey as you stand in the opened crack,


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