Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lessons from The Lorax: Part II-- Be bold and courageous

*Note-- It has now been several more months (actually over a year) since I wrote my first post from this movie (Lessons from The Lorax: Part I--Let It Grow) and since I started this post.  I picked it up today with paragraph three, not having re-watched the movie, but remembering some of the scenes in my mind.
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It has been several months since I wrote my first post from The Lorax movie.  That is because I ordered it soon after seeing it, but it didn't come until about two weeks ago (after its release on DVD).  What a joyous moment it was when I checked my mailbox and found The Lorax movie inside!  I couldn't wait to open it and watch it again, to see the fun animation, and to re-visit the lessons I remembered from watching it the first time. 

But that moment didn't happen right away.  There were other things that called for my time and attention.  So, now I am able to find some time to watch the movie again and write about another lesson, being bold and courageous in spite of the circumstances and the obstacles in the way. This lesson is lived out through the character of the young boy, Ted.

Ted sees things that aren't quite right in his community and he seeks to find a way to do something about them.  [His motivation isn't exactly altruistic in that it's not about saving the environment as his first priority... he is hoping to get the girl (Audrey).] He gets encouragement from his grandmother (Grammy) who tells him a story about the "old days" and how to find a tree and he decides to set out on his monocycle to see if it is true.

[Click here to see a video clip of Betty White telling Grammy's story and clips of the movie.]

As he learns, there are often obstacles in seeking truth and attempting change.  These obstacles came in several forms:
  • he had to find a way out of where he was
  • once he got to his destination he needed to get the attention of the person (Once-ler) in the house and try to convince him of his sincerity and desire to bring about change
  • when he tried to get back out of his community a second time he found it more difficult because his "escape" had been found out and the powers that be didn't want people outside the walls  

[Click here for some of the obstacles Ted had to overcome in his adventures.]

In these circumstances (and others), Ted was bold and courageous to continue doing what he believed to be the right thing for himself and those around him.  He didn't have much support.  In fact, he had strong opposition from the powers that be.  Yet, he was persistent and pursued truth. 

His boldness, his courage, his persistence, his pursuit of truth, his work on behalf of the community.... All are good examples for all of us to model.

What situation in your life calls for boldness, courage, and persistence?  Maybe you can gain some encouragement from Ted's example from The Lorax.

Blessings on your journey,


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