Thursday, May 7, 2020

Pressing Into Purpose

Pressing into purpose.

I read that phrase last week in a book I finally pulled off the shelf.  It's a book I had seen in the bookstore at Lake Junaluska when I was there for SoulFEAST 2015, the last year they held it.

[Rabbit trail for a moment:  Though I only attended SoulFEAST for a couple, maybe three years, it was one of the best get-aways and life-giving conferences.  It was through them that I learned first about FUMSDRL/HOF and the Academy for Spiritual Formation.  It was one of the best gatherings for one's soul.]

Back to the book. The title caught my attention: Why Your Weirdness Is Wonderful: Embrace Your Quirks & Live Your Strengths by Laurie Wallin.  The book finally won, but it was on my shelf for 5 years before I started reading it.

This book has been great to remind me that we are all uniquely and wonderfully made by the Creator (Psalm 139) and that God knows us best and knows all of us, each and every part of us.

As I read her words last week, something struck a deeper chord.

"May I encourage you in this journey of pressing into your purpose?  Don't get distracted by the jumbled-up mess you see on the surface.  Trust that God knows what he's doing.  And ask God to share with you the view of your life and purpose from his vantage point.  To give you a glimpse of the artistic design--the special part of God's overall design defined as you--which brings unique beauty to the world."  (77)

Several things struck me when I read this.

First, the "pressing into your purpose" part.  Then there was the "artistic design" part.  I had just written a few days prior to reading this a piece and I had included the words "Artistic Designer".  I read these words above on 5/3/20 and had written what I wrote on 4/30/20.

This is what I wrote on 4/30/20:

“All the different pieces and colors. Broken. Some small.  Some even cracked.  Colored. Clear. Opaque. Woven into and around each other.  Held together because of the fire that melted the metal. Each piece has meaning. Each color has meaning. Just as the brokenness in these objects will never go away, so it is with me.  Though pieces are put together, I am still the product of broken smaller pieces, put together by an Artistic Designer who designed me uniquely.  To allow the light to shine through the brokenness, to allow myself to be, to allow the Creator to do the necessary ebb and flow work of refinement…keeps me in a humbled state.  An open state.  A broken state.”

As I press into my purpose, what comes to mind?  What comes up for me?

This has been an ongoing question during this 2020 pandemic.  I have been giving it much thought, as I have been going through quite a bit of transformation and formation.

My purpose is to walk with others on this pilgrimage journey.  That's the simple version.  The bottom line.  It has many facets, meaning that it is done in many ways, depending on what is needed at the time.

I have always done that and been that person.  As I look back over my life, I recognize where I sought out the ones who were left alone and befriended them.  I was the listening ear for many.  Folks seek me out to talk to me.

Now, I have my many faults and issues and the pandemic time has been a really interesting time of healing some of that brokenness and reminding me that God knows all that too.

I am to yield, to submit, to allow the Master Builder, the Artistic Designer to guide me, to mold me, to fill me, to place me, to use me.  Easier said than done.  I get that.  Believe me.

Yet, the unfolding continues.  The becoming who I am, who I've always been continues.  I don't think I would have been able to articulate way back when that I would be who I am and where I am today, but I know this-- I'm enjoying this adventurous journey and I continue to press into it.

Some of what I shared above about the stained glass pieces was put in last week's sermon "Steadfast Endurance" and I spoke about healing.  I shared a few of the lyrics from Christy Nockel's song "Healing is in Your Hands".

I'll probably dedicate an entire post for the sermon, but for now I will post the song and the lyrics for you to read.  I didn't include all of them in the sermon anyway.

Before I do that, here is another quote from Laurie Wallin that relates to pressing into purpose: "My whole life, it became clear, had been one huge becoming.  It all mattered.  Every single part." (77)

Now, check out Christy Nockel's "Healing is in Your Hands":


No mountain, no valley, no gain or loss we know
could keep us from Your love
No sickness, no secret, no chain is strong enough
to keep us from Your love
to keep us from Your love

How high, how wide
No matter where I am, healing is in Your hands
How deep, How strong,
And now by Your grace I stand, healing is in Your hands

Our present, our future, our past is in Your hands
We're covered by Your blood
We're covered by Your blood

How high, How wide
no matter where I am, healing is in Your hands
How deep, How strong
And now by Your grace I stand, healing is in Your hands

In all things we know that
We are more than conquerors
You keep us by Your love

Pressing into purpose.

May you be pressing into your purpose these days.  May you find healing in the broken places, knowing that light shines through the brokenness.

May you know the love and grace offered you.

May you know you are beloved.

Enjoying this adventurous journey,

Rev. Deb

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