Yesterday I was finally able to listen to a podcast about using TikTok for ministry. I had missed the original webinar, but thankfully they made a podcast out of it and I found it and listened. The topic had interested me. I wondered how in the world TikTok could be used for ministry. Listening to "TikTok for Ministry? What the Heck" from March 1st by Steven D. Martin and Lakelands Institute provided answers.
Brandan Robertson was the guest in this podcast from the webinar.
His recommendations were to post a video 1x a day, a 1 minute video on something that is meaningful to you-- or has he put it, something that you're passionate about.
Being authentic on TikTok is key.
Interestingly, Brandan has been able to grow a community from TikTok and invite people into ZOOM for Bible Study. There they can meet 'face-to-face' in a safe space and engage in conversations in public and real time.
Brandan mentioned that a downside to TikTok is that there is lots of spam. You can create filters to avoid some of it, but if you post messages of acceptance and love, expect some hate comments and heretic accusations.
Brandan also gave some advice and information for Instagram, including using Canva to "stack" instagram-sized slides. I have used Canva in the past for newsletters, but haven't tried that feature.
He suggests having a digital minister on your team. That makes sense too these days.
His advice was to choose one (1) platform and allow the others to feed into it. That is sensible too. Crossposting will save time and energy.
The hour was informative and helpful. I decided to set up a TikTok account and give it a try.
My first video yesterday wasn't without some mistakes, but I will say it was fully authentic. :) I used St. Elmo (the one that goes to REZ in January) and made a short introductory video.
I plan to do a weekly video. That's not the daily as was recommended, but it is still regular.
Here is my first TikTok in case you'd like to watch it:
Peace on your adventurous journey,
Rev. Deb