This past week I took on a writing challenge to write daily using writing prompts. That got me writing again.
Well, that is both a truth and a lie. The truth- it got me writing something besides a weekly sermon or morning thoughts. The lie-- I write weekly, even daily-- I write a weekly sermon and I most often write daily reflections and at times prayers. Those don't get posted in my blog though.
It takes time and energy to write. Brain space, if you will. Therefore, if I am writing a sermon, working on paperwork for other things, etc. it is difficult for me to sit down and write.
This writing challenge was perfect for me. Perfect timing. Perfect prompts that resonated with me and caught my attention.
September is the anniversary month of when I began blogging. For many years I kept up with top blogs, top readership, etc. I printed out my blogs annually to have a record of them. For the past several years I have stopped doing that. But I haven't forgotten what caused me to begin. It was a nudge. And, it was a spiritual practice. I just didn't realize it was a spiritual practice for me in the beginning. It was a way for me to process and to share.
Here are the four posts I made this week from the four prompts:
In the quiet we watch and listen. In the quiet we can hear more clearly. This morning I hear the rooster, the crow, the chirping of the hummingbird and the hum of its powerful wings. The crickets and other birds fill the silence with their sounds. There isn't complete silence in the quiet, but it is a time and space for me to "be still and know". Psalm 46:10 exhorts us to "Be still and know that I am God." Or, "be still and know that I am Love." from Nan Merrill's "Psalms for Praying". In the quiet I listen for that One Voice, that Voice of Love, who knows me best, who created me. In the quiet I remember who and whose I am. In the quiet there is peace and calm. There is need for quiet in each day. May it be so.
I begin each day with time to enjoy creation, listen to the Creator, to "be". My intention is to prepare myself for the day-- heart, mind, soul, and body-- so that I can live out the day as a follower of Christ, loving, living, and leading like Jesus. No matter the preparation, I don't always get it right. None of us do. My intention, however, steadily guides me on the path. Grace draws me back when I am off the path or guides me forward when the path cannot be seen.
Today's word prompt is explore.
To explore invites adventure. It means heading into the unknown. I may know that I am going on a certain hiking trail from point A to point B, yet as I allow myself to explore, whether this is a first time visit or not, I will see new things. The same is true as I allow myself to explore any area of life. There is light and darkness along the path. There are tiny rocks and huge ones. There may be downed trees on the path, causing me to find my way around, over, or under. Often before I ever begin an adventure, the questions begin: Am I open to explore the path in front of me? What awaits me when I say "yes" and begin to explore that idea, that dream, that vision, that _____? I have learned that I don't have to know the answer. I can simply begin and explore. May we allow ourselves to explore.
Photo is mine: Cumberland Trail, section between Hotwater Road and Big Soddy Creek Gulf
I haven't used the word in a while, so I needed to look it up. I found this blog by Harold J. Chadwick that included the origin of the word. He writes: "The word serendipity was coined by Horace Walpole, a writer, politician, and the 4th Earl of Orford, in a letter he wrote to his friend Horace Mann on January 28, 1754. It came from an ancient Persian fairy tale called "The Three Princes of Serendip." On their travels the princes were always accidentally discovering something that when combined with something else, also accidentally discovered, turned out to their benefit—though the benefit might not be seen or received for some time.
My definition of Divine Serendipity, therefore, is when God brings people, places, events, or things into your life that are later—even many years later—combined with other people, places, events, or things to benefit you or someone else."
Ah, so know I know the origin and am more curious about divine serendipity.
It has been a while, but I so have examples of "running into" people hither and thither because I went to a location other than my initial destination. Holy conversations have ensued.
Cliff was discovered at Pet Placement Center and became part of our family three years ago. He has brought much to our family.
Hearts on Fire/Fellowship of United Methodist Spiritual Directors and Retreat Leaders has been one of those divine serendipity gifts, as has the Academy, both the 5 day and the 2 Year, SoulFeast, seminary, Charlie, family, friends, serving as a pastor, and many other things, people, and places.
Recently when I was at Chautauqua as Chaplain, conversations on the porch led to connections with my paternal great uncle, a doctor in Atlanta, and a distant relative who founded Milford, CT and was the first pastor there.
Do these serendipity moments simply just happen for us?
It helps if we are open to taking new paths, meeting new people, keeping our ears and eyes alert.
May we be surprised by serendipitous adventures and may we be part of being someone else's serendipitous experience.
Today's word prompt is hope.
As I reflected this morning on the word, this came to me in the form of an acronym. What hope is for me is "holding on persistently even so".
'Even so' means "in spite of that; nevertheless".
In spite of difficult times, or stress, I am holding on. I am riding the waves.
For me, it is getting to the end of my rope, tying a knot in the rope, and swinging.
There is a time to yield, let go, surrender, but that isn't the essence here.
Times may be difficult, but daily spiritual practices offer me hope.
It was good for me to get back into writing daily this past week. I haven't even been writing Haikus. Much of my writing as spiritual practice has been fallow. That isn't a bad thing. Often things need a break or need to rest. Yet, when these prompts came along and I sensed the nudge to respond, I did. The writing challenge reconnected me to one of my important spiritual practices. Though I write weekly sermons, that isn't the same type of writing. Below is a memory that came up this week from September 15, 2018. It reminded me that spiritual practices connect me with God, the Creator, and with others, strengthening me. When the wind blows strong or strands break away for other reasons, I remain connected because of the many connections with people and practices.
I don't know what spiritual practice offers you life. Explore. Find one. Find several. Try ones that you've set aside or ones you've never tried. I haven't been in my hammock in a while. It has been over a week since I have prayed a labyrinth. It is time to get back in the woods. Etc. Ebb and flow. It's a journey. It's an adventure.
Peace, grace, and joy on this adventurous journey!
Rev. Deb
From September 15, 2018:
I looked up to the right and noticed the web blowing in the breeze. The sunshine brings out the beauty of the geometric design. As I watched it sway, it struck me that it is only tethered in three locations yet it holds fast. The strength in the connections helps it stay together overall when there are holes or gaps. Much like in life. My strength comes from what grounds me-- the spiritual practices that strengthen my relationship with Creator God, Christ, and Holy Spirit. And when life puts holes in my web, I remain together because of those surrounding me, holding on. I see the web as a way of expressing community-- we need one another.
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