Saturday, March 9, 2013

Resting in the "cushion of calm".... or at least attempting to...

My daughter is off at a Dare2Share (D2S) conference in town today.  Riley is at work until 6pm.  I have the day to myself.  Just as I had yesterday afternoon and evening.  You would think I would know just what to do with that time.  Not so easy.  John Wesley sermons await me, as do other pages in another book that I'm almost caught up on for the week.  But, my brain is tired and reading is not where I can go to first. 

The sun was out, but it clouded over.  So, I decided to forego outdoor activity.

Mainly, I'm cleaning here and there.  Doing dishes, picking up recycle, putting things away, etc.  Not that you might notice when you come over.  There is always more to do.  I may throw in some laundry and ironing too.  Then, there is the grocery shopping that I need to go do.... after I get all the coupons together.  No wonder my brain is tired. ☺

Hoping to find some inspiration, I opened up Jesus Calling to today's devotional to see what Sarah Young had put down for this day. 

"REST IN MY RADIANT PRESENCE.  The world around you seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a blur.  Yet there is a cushion of calm at the center of your life, where you live in union with Me.  Return to this soothing Center as often as you can, for this is where you are energized: filled with My Love, Joy, and Peace."

Good words!  "Rest".  Now, that would be nice if I would and could take that literally today, but the readings are hanging over my head.  As for the spinning and blur... I get that.  Sometimes literally when my brain is overly tired and feels like a blurry mush.  That's why "rest" is so important.  I may end up making/taking some time for that after all today.

Second paragraph of the devotion:

"The world is a needy place; do not go there for sustenance.  Instead, come to Me.  Learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness will become saturated with My Power.  When you find your completeness in Me, you can help other people without using them to meet your own needs.  Live in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others."

The Scripture verses included in this devotion were Galatians 5:22 and 1 John 4:12.

Learning to depend solely on God, the Creator for sustenance is an ongoing lesson for me.  It is my desire to be able to shine the light brightly into the lives of others and to help them without using them to meet my own needs.  I can only do that if I am getting my strength, power, sustenance from the Power Source. 

Good reminders today.  And, it was a "cushion of calm" simply to focus on the radiant presence of the One who continues to show me the way.

May you have a cushion of calm in your day.  May you get your sustenance from the One whose Power can energize you so that you can be a light for others.

Blessings on your journey,


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