Monday, March 4, 2013

"You are on the right path".... timely words of encouragement

taken 10/2009 NC dd

On February 28th, I wrote about "Questioning the direction, or lack thereof".  This year, there wasn't a "February 29" that followed in our calendar.  However, I thought I would read the next day's entry in Jesus Calling to see what it had to say.  So, on March 1, prior to heading up for my quiet day at St. Mary's, I read these words from the February 29 devotion (page 62) in Jesus Calling: "YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH.  Listen more to Me, and less to your doubts.  I am leading you along the way I designed just for you."

Whoa!  Wow!  Really!?!?  Needless to say, these words hit me right between the eyes, so to speak.  I know that doubting is an okay place to be and that it is actually part of the growing and stretching process.  And, then, WHAM!  The words are in front of me to remind me that there is no need to doubt; that I am on the right path. 

Further down in the devotion: "I am revealing to you the path of Life day by day, and moment by moment.  As I said to My disciple Peter, so I repeat to you: Follow Me."

This is what I wrote on the page: 3/1/13 "I question & doubt the path-- the path of ordination, the path of ministry.  But-- here, I am reminded once more... "you are on the right path.""

These words were extremely timely for me.  Not only did I read them after my wrestling and questioning, I read them prior to heading into a time of focus and reflection and resting in God's presence.  I was able to reflect throughout the day on how I am on the right path.  That made me smile. 

I can guarantee you that I will come to more crossroads along the journey.  There will be other moments and days of doubt and questioning the direction.  And, that's okay.  The work of questioning and wrestling is part of the relationship and is healthy.  It causes muscles to grow stronger.  That time of questioning and wrestling will likely be followed by another time of assurance and resting.   It helps me to be reminded that although I am secure in who I am and whose I am, my ultimate security does not lie within me, but in the One who created me. 

Maybe you don't have these times of questioning and therefore the timely words of "you are on the right path" don't have the same meaning for you.  That's okay.  We all travel and grow at different paces.  Maybe you know someone else who needs to hear that they are on the right path.

You see, sometimes we can't see for ourselves that we are on the right path.  It takes those around us in community who can see our gifts and graces to help keep us mindful of what the path is.  God and community help us see and know who we are and help us know the right path.

If you are seeking 'the right path' for you in your life and ministry at this time, I pray that you will be able to live into the question and that you will come out of the wrestling time with peace.  You may not have a solid or specific direction or answer other than "you are on the right path", but I hope that those words will be timely and encouraging to you as they were for me.

Blessings on the journey,


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