Friday, January 5, 2024

Centering Prayer-- it has been a while

my view out the window as I did my centering prayer

I don't know about your, but my spiritual practices ebb and flow.  I haven't practiced centering prayer for a while. I have an app on my phone to help me practice, but it has been a while. The app is from Contemplative Outreach. I've mentioned it before. It's available for iPhones and Androids. Check out the link I posted.

Today, for some reason, it seemed right.

So, I got on the app, changed the season from "fall" to "winter"-- if that tells you anything about how long it "might" have been since I've used it, checked my readings and decided that they would work, checked the time I had set-- 20 minutes, and then began.

It wasn't smooth sailing, so to speak. It HAS been a while. My silent muscles aren't quite up to 20 minutes and my brain was hopping and popping all over the place. I gently came back to my sacred word, again and again (and again). 

It isn't about how "well" one does nor about what one thinks they accomplish, but rather it is time with the Creator. At least, that's how I understand it. 

I hope to become more regular in my centering prayer practice. It's one I enjoy and it is beneficial to me. I feel the benefits as the deep breaths I take during the time, offer a flowing calm into me. 

Though I may not know, sense, experience all the benefits of centering prayer, I know it's good for me. It's like spending quiet time with a close friend-- there are no need for words, just presence. 

Being present to and with Creator is an intentional focus that is good for me. This I know.

Here are some screen shots of today's time on the app:

Psalm 139 Excerpt 2:

Where can I go from your spirit? From your presence, where can I flee? If I ascend to the heavens, you are there, if I lie down in Sheol, there you are. If I take the wings of dawn and dwell beyond the sea, Even there your hand guides me, your right hand holds me fast... You formed my inmost being, you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made, wonderful are your works! My very self you know.

I have it set to three gongs to end. 

Living Life and Sustaining Love by Peter Traben Haas (from Centering Prayers: A One-Year Daily Companion for Going Deeper into the Love of God)

[Interestingly, I had not remembered that I had previously set the ending reading to this quote. I have this book now and use it daily.]

"Living Life and Sustaining Love: Help me feel your attracting grace in the universe, which keeps everything from coming apart. May the Word of Christ hold me together with wisdom and love. I give thanks for your Word and consent to being held by it so to remain at center with you. Amen."

Centering prayer helps me "be" rather than "do". In fact, my sacred word is "be still". They recommend one to two syllables, but I have used "peace, be still" in the past. I have attempted to change my sacred word at times, but I keep coming back to some form of stillness. And, that's good for me. Being over doing is what grounds me.

If you haven't tried the app yet, I invite you to do so. Let me know what you think.

Rev. Deb

a couple other blog posts about centering prayer:

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