Saturday, November 9, 2013

How Do We Breathe Under Water? -- Richard Rohr

(This clip here is not what we watched, but gives you an idea of Rohr's book)

The centering prayer group I attend has been watching the DVD "How Do We Breathe Under Water?" by Richard Rohr for the past two months (or so).  I have only been to two of the sessions.  I went once in September (20th) and then again yesterday (November 8).  I imagine the entire series was as powerful as the two portions I was able to watch because each one gave me vivid and powerful images and nuggets of truth.

I'm not sure what exact conference the DVD we were using might be from, but I did find a DVD of this on the Boston Contemplative Outreach website, if you're interested in the DVD.

Here is what is listed from their website about the DVD they offer:

How Do We Breathe Under Water?  The Gospel and 12-Step Spirituality 
In this series, Fr. Richard Rohr offers hope and practical suggestions from many sources including Bill Wilson's Big Book and Scripture.    
Inner Room: Contemplative Prayer as the 11th Step  (DVD)  
DVD Disc One --Session 1 --(Keating): The Inner Room: The Place of Union
                          --Session 2 --(Rohr): Contemplation: How we had it, how we lost it, how we're getting it back
DVD Disc Two --Session 3 --(Keating): Light, Love, and Life of the Trinity
                          --Session 4 --(Rohr): The Wound of Love
DVD Disc Three --Session 5 --(Keating and Rohr): Question and Answer Session
DVD Disc Four --Session 6 --(Keating and Rohr): Closing Comments -- Awakening to the Divine Indwelling
                          --Session 7 -- Keating Homily and Rohr closing Comments

The DVDs we watched could have been from a particular conference where Rohr spoke.  I am not sure.

Regardless, the information is based on his book, Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps.  It's a book on my wish list.  I haven't had time to read it yet. 

Here is what I got out of yesterday's clip:

  • There is a lack of deep self/God self/ontological self (who you are in God) in every addict.
  • An addict lives with a lack of meaning in his/her life.
  • A true self finds meaning in everything, even the hard things (such as sin, abuse, failure, etc.).
  • "My deepest me is God."  Something that Catherine of Genoa ran through the streets saying (way back when) and something all mystics know (or come to know).
  • Amazement doesn't transform; it causes addiction to where you need more and more.
  • The ordinary, simply standing is where the transformation will take place.  When you can stand, holding the pain and paradox together, newness and transformation will occur as you stand in this mystery. (For me, this made me think of being "ministry of presence" for others.  Simply being.  Being that presence, available, able to hold together whatever was there.)
  • Stabat mater.  "Standing Mother".  Was mentioned in relationship to Mary standing at the cross of Jesus.  Not a term or hymn I was familiar with, but we discussed it afterwards.  This Latin hymn has a large tradition.  For information on the hymn and its history, check out these links: Stabat Mater English; The Ultimate Stabat Mater Website.  There are YouTube videos of orchestras, classical guitars, and singers of the hymn.
  • Electric wires.  What goes in, goes out.  Like an immediate conduit.
  • In comparison to a transformer in which the unsafe voltage comes in and only the safe voltage goes out.  Jesus was the ultimate transformer.  (I must admit that at this moment, I had a sudden image switch to the Transformer toys and thought how cool.... Jesus as the ultimate transformer.... what would that look like, what would his powers be.... but I brought my thoughts back to Rohr and the electrical transformer.*) Rohr talked about Jesus standing there, hanging there, absorbing the energy.  Redeeming. 
  • Carry the voltage.  Be a transformer.  Not the electric wire.  But, you pay the price by not passing on the voltage and my being the transformer and not the electric wire.  (Some deep stuff to contemplate.  But very true.  We can hold the suffering for others.  In many ways, that is what I've done this past week in a multitude of settings.  It has been my privilege to listen to many different people, to visit hospitals, and to hold the suffering.  Being a transformer is transformational not only for others, but for ourselves as well.  At least, that is what I'm experiencing.  In no way can I understand the "ultimate transformer" experience, but I get what Rohr was saying here.)
  • Rohr spoke about intensity vs. intimacy and how folks tend to seek after intensity but what they are really wanting is intimacy.  Intimacy is a calmer, constant high (if I heard correctly).
  • Rohr read "Farewell Letter" by David Whyte.  You can find it here on Journey Through Grief.  Scroll down a little ways to find it.  At the end of the poem is a P.S. It reads "All of your intuitions were true."  On the DVD, Rohr said, "All of your intuitions are true." and added "life, love, forgiveness".  (That struck a chord in me.  Intuitions being true.  Those of life, love, forgiveness.  Often I have intuitions and I'm not always sure whether to trust them or not.  Yet, just this week I was validated once again to continue listening to these intuitions/nudgings.  Maybe my discernment muscles are gaining some strength.  I don't know.  But, to hear this from another source caught my attention.)
Being able to attend the centering prayer group was a tremendous blessing for me yesterday.  Not only did I hear from Richard Rohr through DVD, I also participated in prayer and discussion with a great group of folks.  The prayer time is always refreshing for me. 

I hope to be able to watch the rest of the DVD and/or read Rohr's book at some point.  I've read a couple of Rohr's books and have listened to one other CD, "The Cosmic Christ."  Rohr resonates with me and strikes a place that causes me to open up, to hear, and grow.

Blessings on your journey,


*My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to search images on Google to see if there was a Jesus transformer image out there.  This is what I found.


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