Monday, November 4, 2013

Let's Go Fishing... United Methodist Handbook

Have you seen it yet?

Do you have your own copy?

Have you read through it?

I had the older version and was glad to hear that they put out an updated version.  I imagine there is a new handbook put out every four years after the General Conference because it contains the names of the Bishops (pp 24-26).

Let's Go Fishing: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World is the latest version of the United Methodist Handbook.

Why am I so excited about it?

Because it is a wonderful resource.  Because it has great content that looks awesome.  Because it's FREE!

Yes, you read that last part correctly.  It's free.  How?  Why?  When you read the back cover of the handbook, you learn that it is made available through support of the World Service Fund.  Awesome!

I first learned about this handbook several years ago.  We currently have the older version of the handbook at our church available for folks in the information racks.  There is great information in that version, too, though not quite up-to-date. 

It's a resource I think should be in the hands of every person attending a United Methodist Church or interested in learning more about the United Methodist Church.

It won't answer all your questions, but it will give you insight, information, and places to go for further information.  It also provides great pictures and shares some neat stories about different people and their lives and ministries.

Among the things you will find in the handbook: what United Methodists believe, about grace (prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying), information about FREE online United Methodist courses (Four Areas of Focus, Connectional Giving, United Methodist Basics), information about United Methodists around the world, who and where the Bishops are, a glossary explaining selected United Methodist terms, what it means to be connectional, etc.

Check out the table of contents for the entire listing: (it's not that easy to read here...)

Here's a map of the jurisdictions and conferences within the United States:

Are you wondering how you can get one of these FREE handbooks?

You can visit and order a copy for yourself and/or a handful to give away.  Remember, it's FREE.  (I ordered 10 over the summer and finally found an occasion to give 8 of them away in a Disciple's Path class I facilitate. I guess it's time for me to order more. ☺)

This handbook was created by the United Methodist Communications.

Thank you United Methodist Communications for putting out such a wonderful handbook.  Thank you World Service Fund for covering the cost of this handbook.

If you're wondering how this post "fits" with my other posts, well you might consider this a "book review" or a "handbook review".  Or, you can note that I'll write about almost anything I come across along my journey path and share it with others.

If you've not yet checked out Let's Go Fishing on your journey, I would encourage you to check it out.  Who knows what might come from checking out the beautiful photographs, maps, and information.

Blessings on your journey,


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