Monday, October 19, 2015

False fellowship... reflections from the Jesus Calling devotional on October 19

Today's devotional reading from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young (October 19th) is one of those "cause for a pause" readings.  There were several phrases that caught my attention, such as: "defenses down", "false fellowship", and "artificial atmosphere".  Was it just the alliteration that caught my attention of these words or was it something more?

As I've pondered the reading, I believe it is something more.  In these devotionals, it is Jesus speaking.  A previous sentence mentions erected barriers between people.  "Facades abound in the world, even in My Body, the church.  Sometimes the church is the last place where people feel free to be themselves.  They cover up with Sunday clothes and Sunday smiles. They feel relief when they leave because of the strain of false fellowship."

Wow.  That statement can be both an "ouch" and an "amen".  It is an "ouch" because the truth hurts.  It is an "amen" for all the people who are living that way.  But it doesn't have to be either.  The church can be a place where people feel relief when they arrive, because they know they are among people who are walking the journey of life just as they are, with its ups and downs and ins and outs.  They have come to a place where there is love of God and love of one another.  They are able to take off their facades and lay them down.  This is authentic atmosphere.  This is what the devotional refers to as "defenses down" in the first paragraph: "COME TO ME with your defenses down, ready to be blessed and filled with My Presence.  Relax, and feel the relief of being totally open and authentic with Me."

What if we were to live into authentic atmosphere in our daily lives and it carried over into corporate worship?  Then instead of false fellowship, there would be true fellowship with defenses down.  The body of Christ would be focused on the reason for gathering in the first place, the corporate relationship with God.

The last paragraph of the reading provides the solution to the false fellowship: "The best antidote to this artificial atmosphere is practicing My Presence at church.  Let your primary focus be communing with Me, worshiping Me, glorifying Me.  Then you will be able to smile at others with My Joy and love them with My love."

Whether it is within the walls of a church building or a with a group of folks gathered for fellowship, the goal is always authenticity, isn't it?!  Why would we not want to live authentic lives?  Why would we not want to be true to who we were created to be?  Why gather with any group of people if the relief comes when we leave them instead of when we arrive?

In order for me to live with my defenses down in a corporate atmosphere, it is an intentional decision I must make in my private time.  It isn't always an easy one.  As this devotional reading points out, there are many who erect barriers and wear facades.  I have written previously about wearing masks and the decision to not wear them anymore.  Though it is more difficult at first to live into one's true and authentic self, it is a much more free life.  Living into one's true and authentic self without masks and facades doesn't mean that one shares anything and everything about themselves all the time.  However, it does mean that one keeps the defenses down, is open and authentic with self, God, and others.

Today's reading made me think.  Are people more relieved when they gather or when they leave a fellowship time?  I hope to set an example that wherever I am, people are free to be themselves in front of God and others.  May it be so.

Blessings on your journey,


P.S.  The Scriptures listed in today's reading: 1 John 1:5-7; Exodus 33:14; Philippians 4:8-9


  1. The problem with our faith is that we seek to be perfect on the outside while being a total wreck on the inside. This is such a contradiction in what Jesus wants us to be about.

    1. I think it's a matter of folks realizing that the inside of the cup being clean matters more than whatever the outside says or looks like (using a cup/mug analogy here). Also, it's important for folks to realize that the cup/mug doesn't need to be cleaned out prior to entering into fellowship with others because that is the part of what being together is all about, to bring healing and wholeness to community while worshiping in community. It's risky and vulnerable to live into authentic anything, but I see hope because I see people living it. That contradiction in what Jesus wants us to be about will always be around, but we can take steps to live differently, right?!? ☺
