Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Fall Colors

I had a moment today to reflect on what the colors of the changing leaves mean to me. As I paused and reflected, I spoke of "the beauty of the color of death."

That phrase was given back to me. It was almost as if it hadn't come from my mouth. Yet the words ring true in how I see the fall colors of the leaves, recognizing that their beauty comes as they are aging and dying. They are preparing to let go of the branches and limbs that have sustained them thus far. Then they return to the ground. 

The yellows, the reds, the oranges... the colors truly are beautiful, especially as the sun brightens them. 

Yesterday on the campus of Columbia Theological Seminary, one tree caught my attention with its leaves glistening in the sun. It was that tree that caused today's reflection. 

There are other trees that I observed today and noticed their colors.

Trees are meaningful to me, regardless of season. There are life lessons we can get from trees. My thoughts today are primarily lessons we get on the aging process.

*Leaves show their brightest colors as they age and die.
*Leaves aren't afraid to let go and fall.
*Leaves allow the wind carry them to the ground or wherever their destination might be.
*Leaves on the same tree can be different colors-- red, yellow, orange, adding a layer of diversity to the beauty. 

There is such beauty and elegance in the fall colors of leaves.

Just as there is beauty in the color of death in the leaves, there can be beauty in our lives as created beings as we age and die.

I don't know what life lessons you might take with you from the leaves. It might depend on where you are in life and what is going on.

One thing that resonates with me is the process of learning to let go of what I hold on to and allowing the wind of the Spirit carry me. Another is seeing the beauty in aging, that the color of death contains beauty. 

Carrie Newcomer has a song about leaves, "Leaves Don't Drop".  

Here is the refrain:

Leaves don't drop they just let go,
And make a place for seeds to grow
Every season brings a change,
A seed is what a tree contains,
To die and live is life's refrain

I invite you to listen:  https://youtu.be/3c4mW9MRe-k

If you want to share your thoughts or reflections on the fall colors of leaves and what they bring up for you, I would like to read them. Share in the comments. 

Thanks for joining me on this adventurous journey!

Rev. Deb

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