Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Looking Inward, Living Outward: The Spiritual Practice of Social Transformation

I purchased this book in advance on May 21, 2024. It arrived on June 4th. I have carried it around with me to Annual Conference and other places, but just cracked it open this morning. I am not disappointed by what I have read so far. I am eager to read more and to see how these words help transform me and my spiritual practices.

I met the author, Daniel Wolpert, last summer at a retreat in Atlanta, GA for Hearts on Fire / The Fellowship of United Methodist Spiritual Directors and Retreat Leaders. He is an excellent teacher. I knew I would be interested in his upcoming book.

Here are the nuggets that have caught my attention thus far: 

Wolpert reminds us that transformation is always happening (12). He distinguishes between "unconscious transformation" (13) and "conscious transformation" (14). 

Wolpert writes, "I encourage all who engage in spiritual practice to view it as a journey of self-compassions and curiosity, rather than of guilt or shame." (15) He notes that the point of the book is "to invite you [the reader] into more profound ways of engaging a life with God." (15)  He continues: "Our spiritual life isn't about finding the one right answer. It is a journey of going deeper. Whatever has led you to this book has been part of your path, and now you are entering the next stage of your journey." (15)

I find those words encouraging and exciting. I have seen the spiritual path as a journey for many years. And, the words I have quoted above give me hope as I continue to learn and grow.

Wolpert writes, "We are always growing, always changing, always facing the opportunity to wake up to discern God's call." (16)

That resonates and fits my experience. I have experienced transition after transition, continuing to learn, grow, experience new things. To recognize that new spiritual practices, new tools and resources are part of the journey and are normal is again encouraging and exciting. 

Wolpert exhorts the reader: "let us stay open to the great depth that these deceptively and paradoxically simple practices can bring to our existence as we allow God to enter our collective lives and transform us." (17)

As I begin this adventurous journey of being open to what I will find in this book, I am open. I look forward to the journey of deeper and engaging a life with God.

Daniel will be at the Wild Goose Festival. If you are there, look him up. Tell him I said "hi". 

If you decide to read this book, share the nuggets that resonate with you in the comments.

Let's learn and grow together on the deeper journey.


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