Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Lessons from a tomato plant

I noticed a tomato plant growing in the office garden a few weeks back. I thought the garden was dead, gone. It surprised me to see new life. Yesterday I noticed it had little yellow flowers on it. I decided to put a cage around it to help support its growth. This morning I noticed two more baby tomato plants growing nearby. These are all volunteer plants. 

Here are my thoughts from yesterday on the tomato plant that I posted with two photos:

"A tomato plant in the work garden. Not too out of the ordinary. Except that everything has died (except for the weeds and I have gotten most of them). This little one came up out of nowhere a few weeks back (voluntary plant) and is now flowering. I had given up hope on the garden. I thought it was over. But I was wrong. The yellow flowers on the vines tell me that more tomatoes are on their way. That the evidence of life and its fruit are here. I staked the little plant for support. Sometimes we just need a little support. My thoughts from a tomato plant. DD" (September 9, 2024)

As I reflect more this morning, here are some lessons I am learning:

  • New life and new growth can surprise us at anytime. Watch for it.
  • Even though we plant, water, and weed, we are not in full control of what happens.
  • Evidence of fruit shows life. Look for it.
  • Support systems allow us to grow more effectively. 
  • There is beauty that comes from dirt.
How can this be applied to life and relationships?
  • What does it mean to notice others?
  • How do we "pick them up" in their time of need and place a support system around them? 
  • What does that support look like? (totally depends on the situation, doesn't it?!?!)
What thoughts, reflections, and/or questions come to your mind?

Peace on the journey, 

Rev. Deb

[Photos are mine.]

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