Friday, August 30, 2024

Hummingbirds-- a cause for a pause

taken this afternoon from yet a different perspective-- from inside

I put out new hummingbird food this week and have enjoyed watching the hummingbirds fly, land on the feeders and on the tree branches, eat, buzz around, etc. I have enjoyed hearing their wings, them fuss at each other, and the other sounds they make.

Today as I sat on the deck in the cooler morning air, I realized that my different point of view earlier in the morning had allowed me to see the hummingbirds from a different perspective. That was a "cause for a pause" as it made me think about seeing things from different perspectives. 

Here's what I wrote this morning and the photos that accompany my deck time.

"I waited and watched from a different vantage point this morning. I was able to get better photos without the hummingbird blending in to the trees. At the table I did catch one behind my coffee mug, but it is harder to see. Sometimes we need to look from a different perspective in order to see things more clearly. It may not need to be a huge move, just a small one. How can that experienced reality with the hummingbirds be applied to other areas and situations in life? 🤔

Peace on this day."

As I continue reflecting, here are some more questions that come to mind:

  • How willing am I to move into a different space in order to see differently? 
  • What can I learn by seeing from a different perspective? 
  • As I look from a different perspective, how does that affect what I see, what I hear, what I experience?
  • What if I were willing to look at carefully at people and situations from varying perspectives? How would that enhance my understanding?

These are the questions that rise to the top as I reflect. 

Maybe, just maybe, I have learned something today that I can carry into other scenarios.

I invite your thoughts and reflections.

Rev. Deb

(photos are mine)

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