Thursday, August 29, 2024

A reflection on soul care from 6 years ago

I was scrolling through my memories on FaceBook yesterday and this is one of them, a reflection I wrote on August 28, 2018.

As I re-read the words I had written, I realized they still ring true. Though I don't remember the situation that spurred me to write the words, it could have been anything. It was most likely written during my morning coffee and deck time.

The view that I used to have off the deck was a wonderful frame for pictures. It has since been taken over by some straggly branches that belong to the neighbor on that side. I have thought about cutting those branches. I think it's actually an invasive bush, like privet. But, to do that, I would need to ask. We'll see. Though I no longer have this full view, there is still a view.

"Some days are more difficult than others to maintain a whole soul. There are the days I need more time in creation, silence, solitude, prayer, rest, play, or other spiritual practices. Soul care is crucial to living well."

What are your "go-to" spiritual practices when you need filling up, when you need to maintain a whole soul? I listed some of mine above. Some additional ones: spending time in a hammock, hiking, riding my bike or motorcycle, writing.

How are you living into soul care?

Peace on the journey, 

Rev. Deb

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