Sunday, August 4, 2024

Psalm 69 from Psalms for Praying by Nan Merrill

I was talking with a colleague about prayer yesterday and she mentioned Psalm 69 to me. I looked it up in my favorite Psalm version, Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness by Nan C. Merrill. There is much to ponder in this Psalm. 

It's not a short one. It goes from the bottom of page 127 to almost the bottom of page 131. 

As I read and reflect on the words, there are phrases throughout that speak to me. I have written them as they are in their sections. As there are no verses in this version, I will compare to a different version to get the verses.


O Beloved, create within me a clean heart! Let me live simply, sharing what I have with those in need, that the abundance of your creation might be reflected! Let me speak out of the Silence, that through the words given, others will learn of You!

Let me see with the heart's eye; let me hear through the heart's ear.
Give me the sensitivity to hear your Word, and the courage to speak it. 

Let heaven and earth praise the Creator, the seas and all that dwell therein.
For in the Most High lies our salvation, the healing of the nations; 
And we, the people of the Eternal One, are invited, we are called, 
to co-creation, to co-operation; thus will future generations inherit the planet renewed, 
and those who live the way of Love shall dwell with Love forever. Amen. (verses 34-36)

It's not always easy to "match" the verses, because there is a difference with this version. I was able to "match" the last section. 

Yet, the Psalm is still a prayer. A deep prayer. A prayer for change, healing, wholeness. The passages that have stood out to me this time are worth reflection and pondering.

Looking at what caught my attention, I see the word "heart" repeated several times, as well as "Love". I think I will ponder Psalm 69 a little while longer.


Rev. Deb

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