Saturday, May 26, 2018

Unafraid and Unashamed: Facing the Future of United Methodism

About a month ago I wrote a post after a clergy district meeting, sharing resources and links for folks to help sort through things that are currently being discussed in the United Methodist denomination.  I realized that I had not yet read Will Cantrell's book, Unafraid and Unashamed: Facing the Future of United Methodism, so I ordered it and read it.

I recently finished it and wanted to share some of my notes, thoughts, and reflections.

From a practical view, this is a very timely and helpful resource to add to the reading and discussion.  The book came out in 2017, contains eight chapters that are relevant without being too lengthy, and Wil himself has first hand experience as a delegate to General Conference.  Another positive about the book is that it isn't divisive, but rather allows you to look at the topic, to consider the topic, to open yourself up to and for discussion.  This is truly what is needed.  As mentioned in my previous post, courageous conversations and spaces in which we can have those conversations is a big piece of what is missing currently, from my perspective.

The book's eight chapters are:

Chapter 1-- Removing the Rose Colored Glasses
Chapter 2-- Paying the Cover Charge
Chapter 3-- Looking in the Mirror
Chapter 4-- Embracing Diversity
Chapter 5-- Getting Serious about Connectionalism
Chapter 6-- What's Your Agenda
Chapter 7-- Becoming the Loyal Opposition
Chapter 8-- Church Unity

In addition, there is a foreword by Rev. David Graves, the Bishop in the Alabama-West Florida Conference, an Introduction (Option: Fear of Faith), and a Conclusion (My Prayer for You, Me, and the UMC).

All total, there are 149 pages, with the Acknowledgements at the end of the book.

Though there isn't a study guide within this book, you can give your email at this link here and they will send you a leader's guide to help with discussions.

When the book came and I saw that the forward was written by Bishop David Graves, I was glad.  I know David from days gone by in the local Emmaus community and looked forward to what he said about the book in the introduction.

Before you get to the forward (and even before the title and content pages), there is a page that has the two words "fear" and "faith" prominently in the middle of the page with an explanation for each: "Fear tells us to keep doing what we have always done, hoping that the outside world will go back to the way it used to be.  Faith tells a different story."  This is a 'cause for a pause', giving us something to reflect upon before we even begin the book.

In the forward by Bishop David Graves, there are two quotes that I had underlined in my initial reading:

"In these days, we need to guard our hearts, to focus more on what we have in common, rather than focusing on our differences." (VII)

"This book can serve as a guide to respect viewpoints that differ from our own." (VII)

The Introduction goes into more detail about the option between fear and faith.

On page 7, this paragraph speaks truth: "Often life teaches us hard lessons.  Sometimes we can pick our battles.  Other times, our battles pick us, and our only option is to determine the methods we will use."

Wil asks an important question as to how we will respond to this current crisis that is going on in the United Methodist Church.  He asks: "Will we respond out of fear or out of faith?" (12)

Scriptural holiness is discussed on page 14 and how that was central to John Wesley and the life of Christ.  "Jesus was quite controversial in his day because he did not make his ministry simply about correct theology.  The Pharisees did that." (14)  "Instead, Jesus lifted up two values above theology and correct social policies: Loving God and loving your neighbor: It was these overarching values John Wesley referred to as "scriptural holiness"." (14)

Wil writes, "I pray we find the courage to look fully at our differences through the lens of our shared beliefs, our beloved means of grace, and our desire to love others as God first loved us." (15)

Amen.  What a great prayer.  Imagine if we were to come together in such a way.  What would that look like?  What could that look like?

Wil ends the introduction with these words: "If we find within ourselves the courage to set aside our fears and embark on this journey, then perhaps the people called United Methodists will discover a miraculous capacity to share hope, healing, and joy with a hurting and divided world.  As John Wesley would say, we will find ourselves spreading "scriptural holiness over the land."" (16)

If I shared all of my notes from Wil's book, you would only be getting his book through my eyes.  I encourage you to check it out for yourself and to order the leader's guide too.  Check out other resources available as well, from books to guidelines to articles to personal testimonies.  Start a group or class in which folks can come together, read and share.

It is my hope that we would find the courage to set aside our fears and embark on the journey to have courageous dialogues with one another, to find ways to love one another, to allow faith to overcome fear.

Whether you pick up this book or another one to begin the conversation, I just encourage the conversation.  In my previous blog posts on this topic (The Way Forward-- 4/13/18 and Another resource for Courageous Conversations in The Way Forward--4/15/18), I listed some resources that offer guides to courageous conversations with questions and outlines.

That might be the starting point for you.  Wherever the beginning point is, as John Wesley has said, "O begin!"

Blessings on your journey,


Article on Wil's book:

'Way Forward' Leads Pastor to Write Book about UMC Future (by Annette Spence, September 25, 2017)


  1. "If we find the within ourselves the courage to set aside our fears and embark on this journey, then perhaps the people called United Methodists will discover a miraculous capacity to share hope, healing, and joy with a hurting and divided world. As John Wesley would say, we will find ourselves spreading "scriptural holiness over the land.""

    1. This is a great quote, indeed. I am glad you noted it, because I caught a typo where I had put an extra "the" (before "within"). Time for another cup of coffee! (I fixed it in the post.
