Wednesday, March 1, 2023

2nd week of Lent-- labyrinth time and study

I wasn't sure if I would get in my weekly labyrinth time this week or not. I wanted to walk/pray prior to the Lenten study,  but we were running late.

I parked and headed down to the labyrinth. I wasn't sure what my intentions were for this walk/prayer time. There is much on my heart and mind.

As I entered the labyrinth, I began a breath prayer: "breathing in peace". That stayed with me the entire way to the center. There was no breathing out portion. I breathed in peace. Physically,  I breathed out, but there was no accompanying prayer.

I arrived at the center, stood for a moment looking around at the cloudy and darkening sky, and turned to head out. As I turned to head out, it came to me: "breathing out all else". My journey back through the labyrinth then was with this breath prayer: "breathing in peace; breathing out all else". I guess "all else" pretty much covers anything that isn't peace.

While in the labyrinth I saw some tiny violets, heard birds, and felt a nice breeze.

I got to the end/entrance and as is my custom,  I stood for a moment, giving thanks. Then I hurried off to the Lenten study.

I wasn't too late.

I am glad I sacrificed being late to walk/pray the labyrinth. That isn't easy for me. Being late isn't a part of me.

The study, I learned, is by Sarah Parsons: a clearing season: REFLECTIONS FOR LENT. Cool. I happened to have that one at home.

The Scripture passages we looked at were from Mark and Joel.  

Some of what we discussed about the wilderness was that it takes courage to enter the wilderness. In the wilderness we can be 
unnerved, uncomfortable, unsettled. There is a lack of control in the wilderness.  How fun does that sound?! Yet, in the wilderness,  we find ourselves, our true selves. We learn to listen in that space.

I am grateful for wilderness times and spaces. I am grateful for the Lenten Season.  It is a time, as is stated on the back of the book, to clarify our relationship with God. 

I like this invitation of welcoming the Lenten Season,cas stated on the back of the book. So, I share it here as an invitation this 2nd week of Lent: "Welcome the Lenten season as an opportunity to clarify your relationship with God."


Rev. Deb

Breathing in peace; breathing out all else. 

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