Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Waiting.... a theme in the journey that never goes away ☺

Yesterday was Monday.  In every sense of the word.  It was the first day of the school/work week.  Then, I took off for my mentored ministry internship without my notebook, calendar, and computer--unknowingly.  I realized it when I pulled into the parking lot upon my arrival.  Oh, well.  I was still able to get some things done, just not all the things on my list. ☺

Then, since it was my husband's day off, we planned to meet up at the gym to work out.  So, I called him as I left my internship.  When I pulled into the gym parking lot I realized I had my tennis shoes, socks, shorts, and sweat pants, but no t-shirt.  The t-shirt was right where I left it, on the back of the bar chair so I could grab it on my way out.  If that weren't enough to deter me, my stomach was growling since I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.  But I decided to go ahead and work out.  We had a light lunch afterwards.

What does this have to do with "waiting"?  Not a whole lot, except that in the waiting times, I don't always know what to expect.  In the waiting times, there is reliance on God to show me what is going on, what are the next steps and when, etc.

I read yesterday's devotion yesterday afternoon when I got home... and the theme was "waiting" [ah.... now, that's where she's making the connection, you say].

It was a perfect devotion to meet me where I am.  I am waiting on God to provide clientele and volunteers for this ministry for which I'm interning.  When there are more volunteers covering the "office", two people can go out and distribute more brochures into the community.

I was reminded that God is in charge, has been all along, and will continue to be-- if I will submit. ☺ 

My waiting periods tend to be long ones.  It seems that God has lots of work to do in me and through me in order to make it through these cocoon waiting times.  It's often a 2 year birthing process of an idea or ministry or whatever..... Thank goodness that's not what real-life birthing is like.  Whew! 

So, I'm waiting.  For what am I waiting?  I don't really know.  And, that really isn't important.  What I do during the waiting is.  That I continue to serve God, grow in my relationships of loving God and loving others-- those are the important things.  Figuring out the next steps, understanding the next steps, etc.-- well, that can wait. 

Here is yesterday's devotion from Jesus Calling that got me thinking about "waiting" all over again:

"Waiting on Me means directing your attention to Me in hopeful anticipation of what I will do.  It entails trusting Me with every fiber of your being, instead of trying to figure things out yourself.  Waiting on Me is the way I designed you to live: all day, every day.  I created you to stay conscious of Me as you go about your daily duties.
     I have promised many blessings to those who wait on Me: renewed strength, living above one's circumstances, resurgence of hope, awareness of My continual Presence.  Waiting on Me enables you to glorify Me by living in deep dependence on Me, ready to do My will.  It also helps you to enjoy Me; in my Presence is fullness of joy." (Jesus Calling, page 89)

Scripture verses: Lamentations 3:24-26; Isaiah 40:31; Psalm 16:11

There were several things that stood out to me in the devotion: trusting with every fiber of my being instead of trying to do things myself, renewed strength, living above the circumstances, resurgence of hope, deep dependence.

Remember, waiting is not passive, it is active. 

Blessings on your waiting times during your journey, whenever they may be,


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