Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Growing deeper in faith or staying put?

When it comes to the faith journey, I guess my view is that it is one of growth and change.  It is difficult for me to imagine living in stagnation, in the same place for a life time.  Yet, I guess that is possibly what some people want.  A conversation with my walking buddy this morning caused me to reflect more on this today as we talked about people being satisfied in their faith journey and/or with milk and not desiring the deeper or meatier versions of the journey. 

Much as we cannot NOT grow up physically, I find it hard to fathom that we wouldn't want to grow up emotionally and spiritually as well.  Yet, I recognize that there are things that hinder our growth along life's journey in all areas, physically included.  So, what makes that difference?  How is it that there are those who hunger and thirst for the deeper relationship with the Creator and seek to know God more intimately and those who are satisfied with a 'get-out-of-hell-free-card'? 

I don't have the answer.  Yet, I know that I am called to love and guide all, especially those in the darkness seeking their way out.  But what about those in the darkness who don't want out and those who are fine with wherever they are in their journey?  I realize that is where others are and I am okay with where someone else is.  I can be okay with that.  Mostly.  It depends on the context.  If I'm in a purposeful context for spiritual growth and formation, it is my thought that others are there for the same purpose and therefore, whether or not they desire to grow in their journey, I hope they can be okay with my passion and hunger and thirst to keep going deeper.  This will be interesting as my ministry journey continues.

I did a search on "growing deeper" and was relieved to find many articles and websites dedicated to the deeper growing faith.  I even found a United Methodist website with resources in the Missouri Conference.  Check it out.  You will find some good resources here for yourself and/or for your church. 

As I've mentioned before on this blog, I understand that growth has its time and place.  It isn't constant.  There is a time for movement along the journey and times for stillness.  That is part of the rhythm.  Just as we went from milk to mush to solids as an infant and rested often in between our feedings, there are times of spiritual feedings and rest.  We feed, we act on our feeding (serving in the world, community, etc.), we rest.   There is an ebb and flow, a balance. 

For me, if I'm not changing and growing deeper at some point during a given year from where I was in the previous year, then I need to assess my vitals-- am I truly living heart, mind, soul, and strength as I say that I desire to be, for my Creator?!  If there isn't evidence of growth or change, then something isn't matching up and something needs be pruned, reworked, etc. 

Maybe there are people who can simply "stay put" and be satisfied.  That's not the example I see in the Scriptures of those that followed Christ.  Nor is it the example of any of those I've read from days gone by.  All who have entered into relationship with the Creator have sought after a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Creator. 

I guess it's one of those things I may not ever understand.  And that's okay.  As the song goes, "I want to live this life unsafe, unsure, but not afraid..."  The song is "Believer" by Audio Adrenaline.  I've shared it before.  I'll share it again.  It is my heart's desire to continue going deeper.  I believe that it is also the desire of the Creator to be in deeper relationship with us.  I believe I've seen it in the Scriptures and I know I've experienced it.  But, hey, maybe that's just me.

"Believer" video with lyrics:


So, there you have it.... some thoughts and reflections today spurred on by a conversation during my morning walking time.  The physical and spiritual are closely connected.

Blessings on your journey,


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