Saturday, April 16, 2016

Making space for quiet

How hard is it? To have some quiet time and space weekly, daily? I don't know about you, but I find that I have to fight for my time. I fight against agendas, unforeseen situations, and my own mind, to name a few things.

Yet, when I make it to a space that allows me some silence and solitude, it is well worth the battle. 

I typically choose something outdoors, whether by a creek, on a trail, in a hammock, or on my deck or patio. For me to be in creation adds to the connection with the Creator. Even if I am just sitting outdoors at a coffee shop feeling the spring breeze while the world goes by, as I am right now, there is a sense of connection.

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours in creation at Audubon Acres in Chattanooga.  I walked the trails and observed creation as I listened and spoke with God. There was so much beauty in that place and my soul was calmed and filled.  (To see more of my pictures from yesterday, click here.)

Today I spent 12 minutes of silence in centering prayer on the patio. Not nearly as long as yesterday's silence during my walk, yet a different time that also filled me.  At least for the time being.

Since I started my journey into silence and solitude over 5 years ago, I continue to find that I need more and more to keep me able to live well. The journey inward is crucial to the journey outward. I have learned that if I  don't make space for the silence and solitude, then I have nothing to offer from the well. Through the silence and solitude, along with other practices, I am able to be fully and freely who God created me to be.

I am grateful for the moments of silence and solitude that I can carve into the day and week.

When possible, I take time to join with others for time apart in a retreat setting for silence and prayer, whether in a Centering Prayer or a retreat setting.  Group silence as well as being around others who are in silence is a powerful experience too.  (If interested in finding a group to join for some silence, you can check out the Contemplative Outreach website and look in your geographic area for a Centering Prayer group or you might consider a 5 Day Academy sponsored by the Upper Room.  In seeking silence, you will find it.)

What about you? Do you practice silence and solitude? What works best for you?

Here are two screen shots from the Centering Prayer app that I used today.

Blessings on your journey,


"Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul."
~Marcus Aurelius

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