Saturday, May 20, 2017

Abiding... United in Purpose

This morning I knew I needed to spend some time abiding, so I picked up my copy of Macrina Wiederkeher's Abide: Keeping Vigil with the Word of God, a Bible, and a cup of coffee.  I headed outside to the patio.  It was already warm, but still nice to be outside.

I found my place in the book.

I am nearing the end of it.  Chapter 5-- "Return to Your Original Love"

In the introduction for this chapter, there are words that challenge me: "How easy it is to allow the flame of our early devotion to be snuffed out because of busyness and deadlines." (168)  Yep.  There are times when it is a battle to make space to be with God, to listen to God, etc.  Sometimes I am able to carve out time.  At other times it isn't enough.  Truthfully, the busier it is, the more time I need carved out.  Isn't that a paradox.  I do try to go on walks so I can listen and pray.  I use the time in my car for that too.  Yet, that isn't always enough when there is so much going on. I know that I need to fully abide, to "Be still and know" (Psalm 46:10)

Actually, I know the time is coming soon for a day apart and I just need to go ahead and schedule it with The SoulCare Project.  If I schedule it, it will be on my calendar and I will go.

Back to this morning's abiding.

Today's reading is 1 Corinthians 3 and the title for Macrina's chapter is "United In Purpose".

The focus verse is verse 10.

This passage mentions the spiritually immature, not dealing with others or God in healthy ways.  It exhorts the believers to move beyond their personal desires and focus more on what is God's purpose and way.  There is more, but that's a start.  I linked to the passage above and from there you can choose whatever version you would like to read.  It starts out in The Message version on BibleGateway.

In Macrina's chapter she notes: "The fact that he is preaching these words suggests that Paul has been informed of disharmony and divisions in the community.  He has heard about their quarreling." (170)

Later she writes: "Paul's response to all this bickering was that they should make every effort to become united in mind and purpose.  They are to return to their original love and embrace again the moment they became one in Jesus Christ." (170)

That reminds me of the song "They Will Know We Are Christians".  If we are not showing love to one another in the body of Christ, if we are not loving God, then how can we love others?

This paragraph was food for thought for me:

"When we see the heartbreaking violence and evils enacted by well-educated and intelligent people in our world today, it does seem that the so-called wisdom of this world is absurdity.  We certainly are not united in purpose.  We are far from putting on the mind of Christ." ((171)

A challenging question: "What kind of transformation needs to take place in our lives in order for us to live without divisions?" (171)

In the "Reflection and Prayer" section, this question stood out to me above the others: "Is giving up your own will a part of your spiritual practice?" (174)

As I seek to live, love, and lead like Jesus, I desire to be united in purpose with others in the kingdom.  Loving God, loving others, and making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world is what it boils down to for me as I look at who Christ was, how he lived, what he said.

As Christ came to serve and not be served, may it be so with us.

As Christ said in John 6:38-- "for I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me." (NRSV)

How do I see kingdom life? Here are some quick thoughts.  I see it that we are: to live, love, and lead like Jesus; to serve others; to love God and others; to do the will of God;  to be united in purpose; to be growing in faith; to be connected to the vine and connected in community.  

May it be so as the journey continues.

Peace and blessings to you on your journey, 


P.S.  You might desire to pray the closing prayer from this section.  Here it is:

"O Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,
It is love we need.  Your intent has always been to gather us together as one people.  How difficult it is for us to have one mind and one heart.  Look upon our hearts and minds so scattered and divided in their many loves. Plant in each of us a desire to be united with Jesus in a common purpose.  Make our longing for unity deeper than our longing to do our own will.  Give us a heart for others.  Give us the signs, the wisdom, and the love we need to learn the art of forgiveness, which is really the art of loving.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen." (174)

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