Sunday, October 20, 2024

Reflections from the 4 Day Academy

Going into the 4 Day Academy I shared my thoughts, some reflections, some photos from the worship space, and what I anticipated for the week. You can find that post here: 4 Day Academy at Camp Sumatanga.

Before the Academy officially began, I spent time in nature/creation playing at the playground and on rocks, walking around under the tree canopy and exploring. I wrote about that experience here: Rocks, Trees, and Mushrooms! Exploring Around Camp Sumatanga

What I haven't written about it my experience, what I learned, how I connected with God, etc. Truthfully, I'm not sure I can. I'm still processing it all. I did take notes. I even took notes during worship time of the songs we sang, the Psalms and Psalm Prayers that were referenced, Scripture shared, etc. I thought I might go back to my personal copy of the Upperroom Worship Book and look some of those up. And I still might. 

In the past I've been able to write more easily about an Academy experience. I've been able to process it more fully or more quickly.... or something.

This time, I don't know. Maybe it's the theme: "Welcoming the Wilderness". Maybe it's deeply embedded within me this time and I don't need to rush it out. Maybe it needs time to incubate, to grow, to put down roots within me. I am not fully sure.

I do know that I am glad I took the time, made the time for this time apart. It was a gift to and for me, to focus on God, creation, and to spend time in the rhythm of the Academy so that I could more effectively listen to the Creator. 

My soul was refreshed. I know that. Through the rhythms, the worship, the conversations, the silence, the solitude, the sharing from the faculty, and the sharing within community. Add to that the bountiful beauty of God's creation.

I heard names of authors I knew and learned new ones. 

To trust that all these things are working within me is just that-- TRUST. It is not anything I can see.

However, I know that I opened the space, that I listened, that I put in the time. Therefore, I know that there are seeds planted, there are roots growing deeper, there is healing and growth. Even if I don't see it or feel it. I can trust.

I am grateful for the team and our faculty (Larry Peacock and Dale Clem). I am grateful for all the people I met. Most of them were from Alabama, but some were from Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio and Illinois. 

One of the authors that came up was Chardin and his writing "Trust in the slow work of God". That took me back to my Spiritual Direction coursework and how impactful that was for me then. I remember creating an hour glass prayer with the phrase "trust in the slow work of God". I can't find where I wrote about that specifically, but I think it went something like this:

trust in the slow work of God
trust in the slow work
trust in the slow
trust in the slow
trust in the slow work
trust in the slow work of God

By taking each phrase and allowing it to be aligned with one's breath, it becomes a type of breath prayer. It allows an intentional focus. The post where I wrote about Chardin was "Healing Takes Time".

It's going to take some time to process my 4 Day Academy. 

One thing I can share here and now is the daily focus.

Here are the words of the day:



Healing (me in the mirror)

Healing (me not in the mirror)


These words are "spot on" for my life, just as was so much else. The wilderness is home for me. Not just because I have had so many wilderness experiences in my life, but because it is also the place where I know and experience God best. That's why I am drawn to outdoor worship, to hike, to be outside on the deck, to be in a hammock, to walk, to bike, etc. 

There is much for me to process, though I wonder if it is meant to work beneath the surface, so to speak. I don't know. I do know that the Academy time was and is part of my growth and healing, part of my learning and calling.

I am glad I was able to attend.

I am also glad I was able to hike up to Creel Chapel on Wednesday, October 9th. That was super meaningful to me and special as that was my 60th birthday. Though it (turning 60) has been a quiet time of celebration this year for me, it has not been without contemplation. 

My goal is to live in the moment, in the here and now. As Thomas Merton has taught me for many years: "I do not [have to] know where I am going." Would you believe that Merton came up during the week too?!?! Merton has been my companion through my commissioning, my ordination, and to this day. :)

Thomas Merton Prayer of Unknowing:


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