Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Weavings Article-- Diving Deep for Wisdom: Spiritual Discernment

On-line article (January 21, 2011) by Ann Siddall (Uniting Church, Synod of South Australia)

[I don't know if she is still Director, but she was at one time at: Stillpoint Spirituality Centre and Faith Community.  There are some liturgies and other resources available at this site.]

I was paging through the Weavings on-line articles and found this one.  Every word in the title caught my attention--"Diving Deep for Wisdom: Spiritual Discernment".  I knew I had to read it. 

As I read it, I thought I'd share it.  Maybe someone else might get something from it as well.

There is quite a bit that resonates within me in this article.  I found myself liking the job description she outlined in the third paragraph: personal spiritual direction, retreats, workshops on prayer and the spiritual life, creating resource material..... I found myself thinking: 'sounds great to me!'

She mentions some authors I'm not familiar with (Danny Morris and Charles Olson) as well as a means of listening that I am familiar with and have practiced once (Quaker Clearness Committee). 

A quote that caught my attention: "Without trust there is no openness and without openness people are unable to see things from a different angle." 

The author recognizes that discernment is something that never goes away, it is something that we will always need.  In fact, she refers to discernment as a total way of life (about 3/4 into the article).    She says: "Discernment, as an issue, refused to go away, but it now seemed to have more to do with a total way of life than with a few minutes of silence in a meeting.  And that total way of life calls for a deepened spirituality."

Enjoy the article!

May your journey continue to include listening, discernment, and diving deeper!



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