Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Minute Meditations...perfect timing!

Recently, Rev. Ken Hagler of the North Georgia Conference has started doing "Minute Meditations" and posting them online for folks to use.  They are wonderful meditations that allow anyone the opportunity to take a minute, literally, to pause and reflect.  It's an opportunity to focus or refocus during the day. 

These minute meditations have struck me in several different ways.  First, they are a powerful discipleship resource.  Regardless of where folks are on their faith journey, anyone can take a minute to watch these meditations. Second, these have all come during Pastor Ken's journey with his wife's cancer.  What strikes me here is the example to continue allowing the Source of Light and Life to fill us up and overflow into the lives of others in the midst of our own dark and broken times.

Just this morning, jedi pastor shared a Minute Meditation from what he is calling "Valley of the Suck".    This was #6 and the Psalm is 25:4.  It is a challenging meditation. 

I encourage you to check out these Minute Meditations and Jedi Pastor Ken Hagler. 

To check out Jedi Pastor Ken's Blog, click here.

To see more of his Minute Meditations or some of his other videos, you can go to his YouTube channel by clicking here.

Though I've not had the opportunity yet to meet Ken in person, we share some common connections through the Upper Room Academy for Spiritual Formation and through FUMSDRL/HOF (Fellowship of United Methodist Spiritual Directors and Retreat Leaders/Hearts on Fire).   I have been able to get to know him some through his postings, his videos, his minute meditations.  He has a great way of teaching and discipling others as he walks his own journey of faith, even now, through the Valley of Suck.  Along with many others, my prayers are with him and his family are in this difficult valley. 

You may not be currently in the Valley of the Suck.  Wherever you find yourself today, may one of the minute meditations speak life into your current situation.

Blessing on your journey,


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