Sunday, October 24, 2021

Heart cloud

This memory showed up today from four years ago. (2017)

A photo of clouds that showed a heart in the space.

The words: 

"See the heart?  The clouds cleared a space and made a heart. Sometimes things have to be cleared away for the heart to become whole. #seeaheartshareaheart"

Clearing away, pruning, letting go... these actions allow wholeness and healing.

What needs clearing away, pruning, or letting go in your life?

May hearts become whole. 

Rev. Deb

[Photo is mine]

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sabbath Time-- Creation Time

I spent 3 hours of my Sabbath day of rest on Friday soaking in creation, listening to the sounds of rustling leaves and the roaring creek at North Chickamauga Creek Gorge in Soddy Daisy.  I sat on rocks, climbed around on the rocks, spent time in my hammock, read a little bit, enjoyed a tootsie pop, blew bubbles, and enjoyed the silence and solitude.  Basically, I wasted time with God.  I took time to 'be still and know'.  It was a delight, as Sabbath time is meant to be, a time to enjoy the beauty around me. The activities mentioned are spiritual activities for me.  You can call them spiritual disciplines or practices as well. Which ones specifically? Rock sitting. Hammock time. Reading. Enjoying the tootsie pop. Blowing bubbles. Silence. Solitude. Pretty much any thing that brings me into the presence of the Creator and allows me the opportunity to rest, to listen, "to be", etc. -- those things are spiritual disciplines/activities/practices. What I practice in creation isn't the 'end all' of my practices, but they are ones that give me energy and draw me into relationship with the Creator.

I was able to remember my baptism as there was water in a hole of a rock.  That was an unexpected benefit to the recent rains.  

Some leaves were showing their red and yellow colors.

At one point while I was in the hammock, I heard a clacking noise below and sat up.  I saw a kayaker making his (her?) way down the creek.  That was an unexpected bonus!

It was a beautiful day and a restful time apart.

I posted several photos and a video on Instagram and Facebook with an invitation.

Here is that post:

"I invite you to join me here on the rocks, by the North Chickamauga Creek on my Sabbath. Listen to the water with me. Watch it flow. Look at the leaves that are changing color. Hear the wind blow? Notice the hole in the rock with water? Take a moment to remember your baptism and that you are a loved, beloved child of the Beloved. Breathing in. Breathing out. Peace on this day."

I enjoy inviting others to join me on the journey, to listen to what I am hearing, to see what I am seeing. Walking with others along the way/the path is an integral part of the faith journey for me, as we are all in this life together.

Other photos from my time apart.

#seeaheartshareaheart (heart rock!)

I've shared what brings me life in this post.  A few questions before we go.  If you'd like to respond, please do so.  I'll respond back.

  • What do you enjoy doing that fills you up and draws you nearer to the Creator?
  • How do you 'waste time with God'?  
  • What are some of the spiritual activities/practices/disciplines that give you life and energy?
Thanks for sharing the adventurous journey with me!

Rev. Deb

[All photos are mine. Taken at North Chickamauga Creek Gorge, Soddy Daisy, TN 10/22/21]


Friday, October 22, 2021

Reflections from Psalm 124

new life stemming from acorn
(photo taken by me)

Psalm 124 was recommended to me several weeks ago. I got around to reading it this morning and the accompanying letter/sermon from a baptism that went with it. The best version of Psalm 124, I was told, to read was that of Nan Merrill from her Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness.  No problem, as that has become a special version for me.

I invite you to read Nan Merrill's Psalm 124 prayerfully:

If it were not for You, O Beloved,
            You who make all things new,
Fear and chaos would reign
                        in every heart; in You
            will I trust forever.
When doubt threatens to overwhelm
                        and separate me,
            when anger makes me blind,
Then You, O Merciful One, are
            to Awaken the holy, the sacred
                        within me;
Then do your Living Streams of Grace
                        enfold me.
Blessed are You, who are a very
                        Presence to us,
            a comfort to troubled hearts!
Grant us the strength of eagle wings,
            the courage to soar to new heights!
Break within us the bonds of fear
            that we may live with love!
Our guidance comes from You,
                        O Counselor,
            Blessed are You, O Giver of Life!
            Beloved of my heart!

You may want to read through the Psalm two or three times slowly. As you do that, what captures your attention? What speaks to you or resonates within you?

For me today, I am reminded of these things:

God, the Beloved:

  • makes all things new
  • awakens the holy, the sacred within me
  • enfolds me with living streams of grace
  • comforts my troubled heart
  • grants me strength and courage
  • helps me live with love
  • guides me
  • gives me life
It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day busyness of life and to not take time to to reflect on who and whose we are. This Psalm allows me to remember who and whose I am and that foundation is crucial to my being and my doing.

In addition to the Psalm, I was encouraged to read the letter/sermon to the child that was baptized. What a gift that letter will be to that child as they grow older.  "Always remember you are valued by God and deeply loved by the Creator." Yes! No matter what happens in life, what we do or what is done to us, that truth is a non-negotiable.  Oh, to help all of us remember that, especially in the difficult moments.

For anyone who needs to hear that truth today, you are valued by God and deeply loved by the Creator. If you don't believe me or the quote above, check out Psalm 139, any version.  You will find in that Psalm that you are valued and deeply loved by God, the Creator.

Would it help to personalize the statement?

Try this: put your name where the blank is in the sentence below and say it out loud.

____________, you are valued by God and deeply loved by the Creator.


Change the pronoun to the first person and say "I am valued by God and deeply loved by the Creator."

If speaking this truth out loud is too difficult or a tad bizarre, try writing it out.

It may also help to use other names/titles for God that are meaningful to/for you.

The bottom line is to realize and remember who and whose you are and live from that truth, trusting that the One who created you will continue to 
  • make all things new
  • awaken the holy within you
  • enfold you with grace
  • comfort your troubled heart
  • grant you strength and courage
  • guide you
  • give you life

Enjoy the adventurous journey, 

Rev. Deb

Monday, October 18, 2021

Eyes of wonder

Today I began a required reading book for my upcoming cohort in spiritual direction.  Getting me to read isn't difficult. I have more books started than I care to share. I am a bibliophile. 

The book? Soulful Spirituality: Becoming Fully Alive and Deeply Human by David G. Benner.

Benner writes, "being a good Christian does not lead to becoming a vital human being if one is living without awareness. Tragically, it is remarkably easy to go through life mindlessly." (8)

Two weeks ago I spent time at a spiritual retreat where we focused on mindfulness.  It was a wonderful time.  Unfortunately,  after the 12-ish hour trip to get home, my mindfulness was disconnected and I missed my exit. I found myself approaching the next exit, which will also get me home. But it wasn't my intended route.

I was tired and, evidently, distracted. 

Benner tells us that "living with awareness is a prerequisite to becoming deeply human." (9)

He says that "we often fail to experience the radical amazement that life should evoke." (9)

Radical amazement.  Wow! Just the words emit a sensation.

Benner speaks of 'seeing life through eyes of wonder' and that reminds me of Christ's openness to children who are open to wonder and who see with eyes of wonder.  There is something to us having a child-like sense of wonder and amazement in life.

Benner notes: "Wonder either fills the world and our experience of it, or it seeps out of life entirely. " (9)

Does wonder fill your life?

When is the last time you saw with eyes of wonder or experienced radical amazement?

I tend to see things in creation that amazement me and catch my attention. 

Yesterday as we walked the path to Leggett Point Overlook and back, it was the mushrooms that were radically amazing to me.

There were some bigger than my hand!

I didn't take pictures of every mushroom,  but I did take some of those that caught my eyes. 

It is a desire of mine to see the world, to see life through eyes of wonder, to enjoy the beauty around me. 

May it be so!

Rev. Deb

Monday, October 4, 2021

Day 2 of the 5 Day Academy-- "God's Life" Wasting time with God and God IS everywhere

Today is Day 2 of the 5 Day Academy at Trinity Center, yet the 1st full day of the rhythms, as yesterday was travel/arrival day.  After 12 hours of traveling (9 hours and 34 minutes of driving PLUS stops for coffee, gas, and a seafood lunch on Emerald Isle = 12 hours total), I got checked in and settled in and then hit the beach before evening activities.  Oh, what a joy to get to walk down those steps, walk on the beach, and get in the water! The last time I was here for a Hearts on Fire retreat in the summer of 2018 I didn't get to do that because it was right after my left hip surgery. 

My first 5 Day Academy was in 2010 at Camp Garner Creek in TN.  That was life-changing for me in so many ways-- the people I met and the connections and relationships, not to mention all the God-talk and introduction to the bilingual 2 Year Academy. Link for Academy for Spiritual Formation.

My 2 Year Academy was 2011-2013.  One of the faculty presenters in that journey was Jerry Webber. He is a presenter this week.

In thinking about Christian mindfulness and Scriptures that mention God creating, one of the things on my mind in my afternoon silence and reflection time was the thought that 'God IS everywhere'.  Jerry Webber had mentioned that in his session and had also mentioned statements that we tend to say such as 'God showed up'.  Think on that one for a moment.  We do say it, don't we!?!  Now, REALLY think about it.  God was, is, and always will be.  So, how is it that God showed up?!?! What truly and really happened is that we were made aware.  We saw. We heard. We paid attention. 

As I thought through this, part of my reflection was that I feel/sense God most near water or in the woods, etc. Being in creation is a big part of my spiritual connection with God and spiritual practices.  It isn't that God isn't elsewhere.  So, what IS it?

It is that I can slow down, I can become aware, I can watch/see, I can listen. I am more attentive.

I am awake to the Divine Presence around me and inside me.

Walking on the beach I found some heart-shaped shells.  I saw a heart-shaped leaf later in the day.  Hearts remind me of God's love. #seeaheartshareaheart

One person shared tootsie pops with us after asking the age-old question: 'how many licks does it take...?'  That made my day.  I have written about tootsie pops and this question before. In fact, I think it came up once at my 2 Year Academy.  Amy Oden, our morning presenter said, "Tootsie Pops as a spiritual practice" after the gentleman shared his reflection with us. That made me smile so big!


I wrote three Haikus this morning in the morning silence reflection time.

Breath across water
causing gentle, rolling waves
Breathe in me, God's breath

wasting time with God
a favorite thing to do
brings rest to my soul

Jesus said, 'Come! See!'
reflection on the water
peace and rest for soul

I saw a tiny crab this morning and several this afternoon.

This set-apart time is a gift. It is a gift to see God everywhere, to waste time with God, to come and see, to listen, to engage in holy conversation, etc.

Though I don't know where the adventure leads, it is good to be on the journey.

I will close with a Gaelic blessing, of which the first line is found on a plaque at the beach here: 

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and star pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace of Christ, 
of Christ the light of the world to you.
Deep peace of Christ to you.

Rev. Deb

[All photos are mine.]