Thursday, September 6, 2012

Red Sea Rule #3--Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord.

When I go to Wednesday night Bible Study, I never know what to expect.  There are some things that remain the same and others that change week to week.  I like that.  One, it allows me to have a sense of expectancy.  Two, it doesn't fall into a boring pattern.  Three, I can count on being confronted with the power of the Holy Spirit regardless of what happens.

Last night, Sara Patton led us in two songs prior to the study.  One was "Waiting Here For You".  The first song I knew, but forgot to write down.  It's even one we do at Camp Lookout.  If I thought long and hard enough, I could come up with it.... (I can see some of the words and hear it in my head) but I don't want to short-circuit my grey matter. ☺

After worship, there was testimony time by a gentleman who shared his journey over the past several months.  It was powerful to hear him share about the sudden loss of being able to walk, the journey with the doctors of trying to figure out what had happened, etc.  He had been going through his own "red sea" journey.  And, to share it with the body gathered... well, it created community.

Then, there was prayer time.  Another time of creating community as several needs were lifted up before the body and prayed for, some directly for the person and a couple with stand-ins for the person in need.  Powerful.  Community building.  At least, that's my opinion.

To me, there was a gentle flowing of the spirit moving through the place.  A need had been expressed by one person through a prayer request.  An envelope (or maybe two) made its way throughout the pews to help replace what had been stolen from the account.  Wow.  The body reaching out to the body in a tangible way.  Powerful.

Rev. Amy Nutt shared some from the book, primarily pages 33-34.  From page 33: "Acknowledge Satan's activity, but don't be intimidated by him.  You can resist him in the power of God and by the blood of Jesus Christ." 

There are several verses on page 33 about resisting and standing steadfast/firm.  Daniel 11:32, James 4:7-8, 1 Peter 5:9, Ephesians 6:13.

She then closed our time together with a video of "The Armour of God" with scenes from battle and putting on armor.  Again, powerful.

I believe that the class was a great example of what to do when tested or going through temptation and trials.  We acknowledged that, yet kept our eyes on the Lord.  And, we did so in community.  I sense a growing community in our midst. 

I look forward each Wednesday night to the music, the format, the movement of the Holy Spirit.

If you are facing struggles on your journey, remember to keep your eyes not on the struggles or the enemy, but on the One who will journey with you through them.


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