Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Fill the space with love

The hole in the sky caught my eye the other day.

This morning as I was reading Macrina Wiederkehr,  this quote caught my attention in light of everything going on in the world: "A lot of space in the world is still filled with hate. As followers of Jesus we have no option except to try to fill up these spaces with love." Macrina Wiederkehr, Abide, p. 148

I put the two together this morning:

As I have been reflecting on this, I am grateful for several examples of love this past Sunday. 

Pastor Robin Hager responded in love in her community in Venice, FL in a situation that had potential to be negative as a group came to protest her church. She took her leadership role boldly from the start and set the tone for love. It was beautiful. 

Pastor Ginger Isom shared that a gentleman came to her church on Sunday right as church was starting. He wanted to talk. He stayed for the service, in spite of being a minority.  He was welcomed. They spoke afterwards and the men of the church are reaching out in love. 

These leaders encourage me. They are following the example of another leader, Christ, who continued to lead out of love.

There may be hate toward others, there may be apathy. There may only be a tiny hole open to fill with love in the moment.

Yet, if we are faithful to fill the hole, the spaces with love, then that is enough. That is what I am to do in the moment.

Will God use that love to break open the space wider and wider to dispel the hate, fear, ignorance, and apathy? I hope so. I pray so.

I also pray for boldness and courage to speak the truth in love in all situations, as directed by the One True Shepherd so that I might bring and share love openly and not give up hope.

May it be so.

Peace and blessings on your journey, 


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