Sunday, August 7, 2016

A New Day--Twila Paris' "Joy of the Lord"

Every day IS a new day.

Fresh with new opportunities.

This morning I hear birds singing and chirping, right before the neighbor's air conditioning unit kicks in.

The sky is clear and blue with some white clouds.

As I prepare my heart, mind, and soul for today, this day of worship, I breathe in the beauty of creation and breathe out the junk of whatever is inside me.  I breathe in the very breath of God and breathe out those things that would hinder me today.

I spend time listening to the birds, the air conditioning unit, and even the guns from the shooting club down the hill.  It's part of my "be still and know" time.

Today I have the opportunity to talk about faith.  That is the lectionary Scripture I am on for the month of August, Hebrews.  Today begins with Hebrews 11 and today's sermon is "What Is Faith?"  I find that no matter what topic I tend to be sharing from the pulpit, something personal or pertaining to life comes into play.  Lectionary has allowed me to preach in series and preach applicably.  It has also preached to me.

The dawning of a new day, a new sunrise, always brings me hope. Faith brings me hope.  Maybe I'll share the sermon later today.  Not that it will be great or anything, just to share what I shared.

May there be newness in your life today.  May there be faith and hope (and while we're at it.... may there be love).

Whatever this day brings, may the joy of the Lord be your strength.  That's from Nehemiah 8:10.  It's a verse stuck in my head because of a Twila Paris song back in the 90s.

Blessings on your journey, 


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