Sunday, August 5, 2012

My technology fast... a meaningful discipline on my journey

I just got back last night from a week long mission trip to Costa Rica.  My husband and I decided to leave our smart phones and computers at home.  Though we checked into the international plan for Costa Rica, we decided to forego that and do without for the week.  I haven't been on that extensive of a technology fast in a very long time, if ever.  I am happy to report that I survived.  Truthfully, I did more than "survive"; I "thrived". 

I could have broken my fast much sooner than I did (Friday, after all the hiking at the Poás Volcano and La Paz Waterfall Gardens, I posted a brief update on FaceBook from the community computer at La Paz Waterfall Gardens) because there was a computer at the Centro Juan Wesley where we stayed in Tibás.  There were smart phones and ipads in abundance too. 

Truthfully, my main concern during the week was to know whether or not my best friend's (from 6th grade) father had made it through the week.  Other than that, I really didn't need to check e-mails or FaceBook updates or even play Word with Friends (I forewarned folks I was going to be technology free for the week). 

By not taking technology with me, I was able to be a little more free in my heart, mind, and soul.  I didn't worry about the things at home that I did find when I got back.  I spent time reading Invitation to a Journey:  A Road Map for Spiritual Formation by Robert Mulholland.  I spent time sleeping-- I was the "wimp" of the group, going to bed the earliest most nights.  I spent time in quiet and in conversation, getting to know folks. 

Now, this isn't to say that those with technology didn't get rest or conversation or reading... they did.  There isn't a right or wrong here.  I've taken technology in the past.... and turned on my cell phone as soon as I hit USA soil.  But this time, I was able to wait until I got home to deal with the things that awaited me.

So, for me, taking this technology fast was a wonderful blessing this week.  I wonder if I am able to implement that while I'm home.  The thing I most wanted to do while I was away was to blog.  I have at least 4 or 5 blog posts rumbling away in my heart, soul, and mind.  And that is just from last week's trip.  That doesn't catch me up on the several others I've wanted to write. 

A few more thoughts on my fast for the week.  It was a spiritual discipline.  In Mulholland's book that I mentioned, I read this about fasting: "The essence of fasting is the separation of ourselves from something in order to offer ourselves in greater measure to God." (118)  It was an intentional setting aside of something (that isn't necessarily a bad thing) to focus more intently on the goal at hand, which for me was listening to God in Costa Rica.   Technology can be good and normal, yet a separation from it at times can be very freeing.  The only television I saw was little snipets from the small television in the kitchen at the Centro Juan Wesley.  I saw where there had been flooding in Costa Rica and mudslides.

I texted my friend this morning to see about her dad.  He is still with us, but he is very weak.  He doesn't talk much any more and falls asleep easily.  My friend went with her mother this past week to make arrangements at the funeral home and they are picking out pictures.  I'm very blessed that I was able to visit with the family a couple of weeks ago before my trip to Costa Rica.  This is a family with whom I grew up and spent time; one of my "mom and dad" families.  I am glad that during my technology fast my friend's dad, my "dad" didn't pass.  There will probably be more to share about this later.

When you fast, what do you choose to fast from?

Or, if you haven't fasted in a while, think about it... try it.  Read more about it.  There are many who have written about the spiritual discipline of fasting.  Check out what folks have written and done.  Pray about what would be meaningful for you.

Blessings on your journey!


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