Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Being held up by the Body... prayers and encouragement

I'll encourage you 110% to reach out to others.  I'll support you in your ups and downs.  I'll admonish you to reach out when you are weak and down and struggling. 

But, will I live out what I speak, teach, write, and preach?!?!  Yes, though I'm sometimes a little slow and/or hesitant to do so.  ☺ You know, I wouldn't want to burden someone else.  They have bigger things to carry than something I don't even understand.  But, I don't listen to that nay-sayer voice too long.

I've learned to not wear the mask and to ask for help.  Though I still sometimes need to be caught in a situation in order to say "help".  Maybe it's pulling into a parking lot and simply being at the end of my rope, so to speak... and someone else pulling beside me right after I arrive.   They can tell I've had a rough morning.  I'm honest about it.  They suggest I spend time in the prayer garden.  Sanctuary.  Scripture.  Prayer.  Healing.  Though this was quite a few years ago, this was one of those "markers" in my journey.  A day in which I was able to be as I was.... not in the best mood and struggling and honest about it.

Fast forward....... ZIP!  I can't explain it, but the atmosphere has been wacky for me lately.  Lots of things going on in my life and around my life.  And some things just swirling around that I really couldn't even tell you what they were or are.  I just know they are there.

I had prayer chapel privilege on Sunday morning for 2nd service and that was good.  It was a good time for me to pray.  And, afterwards, there was a very special prayer time for a special little child of God.  Heading out of the sanctuary, though, is when I got caught.  I was going to throw on a mask or walk away from it, but why do that?!?!  I profess to live this adventurous journey with transparency, risk, and vulnerability.  So, I did.  I simply stated that I couldn't really explain it, but I could use some extra prayer.  It seems that I've been carrying others for a while and I'm just in a place where I felt "on the edge". 

Later, I asked my BeADisciple class for prayer too.  Maybe I'm the only one who is hesitant to ask folks for prayer when it's so personal that one doesn't even know how to ask for prayer!?!  But, reaching out is important and powerful.  I know I'm being lifted up in prayer and held up by the Body.  I am grateful.

If you know me personally, you can likely tell when I'm not "myself".  I am fairly transparent.  At least, that's my goal.  And, I've had a couple of folks in the past couple of weeks remark that I've not quite been myself.  Likely, it has been due to whatever this stuff is.... burdens.... the inside "swirlings" (I don't think this is a word, at least the editor doesn't like it).  The migraines haven't helped.  But they've not acted up for two days now!  (YIPPEE!!)

Besides the Body of Christ lifting me up in encouragement and in prayer, there are two songs that have touched me recently.

One was from last Thursday night.  I finally got the title and found the lyrics!  The song that ended the service last Thursday night is a Hezekiah Walker song, "I need you to survive".  It is also sung by Juanita Bynum and Kirk Franklin and maybe others.  We do need each other in community to make it. 

Check out the lyrics:  (for a video, click on any one of the names above and you will be taken to a YouTube video of that person singing it)

I need you, you need me.
We're all a part of God's body.
Stand with me, agree with me.
We're all a part of God's body.

It is his will, that every need be supplied.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.
(repeat 3X)

I pray for you, You pray for me.
I love you, I need you to survive.
I won't harm you with words from my mouth.
I love you, I need you to survive.
(repeat 8 X)

It is his will, that every need be supplied.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This songs speak community to me as we pray for one another, stand with one another, love one another, promise to not harm one another. 

The other song is one I heard on the radio this morning on my way back home after dropping off the kids to school.  It's an Audio Adrenaline song, "Believer".  I had not heard it before this morning.  It's from the Kings & Queens album (2013) and is their latest single.

Audio Adrenaline Video
Audio Adrenaline Video with Lyrics

I want to live this live unsafe, unsure, but not afraid
What I want is to give all I got somehow
Giving up letting go of control right now
'Cause I'm already out here, blind but I can see
I see the way You're moving
God how I believe that
I can push back the mountains, can stand on the waves
I can see through the darkness, I'll hold up the flame
Take me to the ocean I want to go deeper
I'm not afraid no, I'm a believer
And so I lose this life to find my way and come alive
They can try to deny what's inside of me
But there is more, can't ignore all the things unseen
Oh I believe I can walk on water with You, Lord
When I walk through the valley of the shadows
When I'm trapped in the middle of the battle
I will trust in You

'Cause trouble comes, but you never let it take me
I hold fast cause I know that You will save me
I will trust in You, I will trust in You
Oh here I stand all alone waiting on you, Lord
Waiting on You

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This song resonates within me as to how I want to live my "one wild and precious life" as Mary Oliver refers to it in "The Summer Day". 

Even though it is unsafe at times, I want to live it unafraid.  I want to walk through the fires and know I won't be burned; walk through the waves and know I won't be consumed.

I want to go deeper.  Deeper still.  Deeper even more.... in my learning, growing, and quest to know myself and God; in loving God and others.

Though I can't always articulate what is going on inside, I know that I can trust.  I am ever reminded of Twila Paris' songs, "Do I Trust You, Lord?" and "The Warrior is a Child".  These are songs that come back to me when I'm struggling and battling, either within or around me.

So, today I am grateful for a migraine-less day; for songs that are uplifting with lyrics that resonate within my heart, mind, and soul; and for the support of many along this faith journey, both near and far, with whom I travel.

As I look up from my computer, I see the "prayer for the journey" that I picked up at Church of the Resurrection several years ago:

"Lord, as I travel through this day, grant me the vision to see your plan for my life, and the courage and devotion to follow the path you set before me.  Amen."

Blessings on your journey!  May you be uplifted and encouraged this day!


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